Page 50 of Meet the Teacher

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“Yeah, me too. Need any help over there, bud?” he yells to Ryker.

“Yeah man, that’d be great,” he replies.

Zayn looks at me for approval and I nod before heading over to take a seat on one of the folding chairs next to Mason and Natalie.

“Well hey there, fellow camper,” Mason sings.

Natalie hands me a drink. “White Claw?”

“Sure, thanks,” I say, grabbing a can.

A thin blonde comes out from behind one of the tents that’s already set up.

“Hey babe,” she says to Ryker, wrapping her arms around him. Zayn and I exchange glances and I wonder what he’s thinking. Are we dating now? We’re definitely in a weird gray area. I still don’t think I’m ready to date, especially after Liam and that awful Adam guy. But those kisses we shared flood my mind every night.

“I didn’t know Ryker had a girlfriend,” I say.

“It’s new,” Natalie says, giving me the sense that she’s not thrilled about it. She and Ryker were into each other years ago, but neither one was bold enough to ever move it beyond—well, whatever they are.

“That’s Taylor from school,” Mason explains. “Remember her?”

“Vaguely,” I say, taking a swig from my drink.

Another girl comes out of the tent. She’s blonde as well as lanky and wearing a tube top with shorts. Her hair is like a mountain of gorgeous curls that rests above her head. She heads right towards us.

“Yo, dude, pay attention! The hot dogs!” Ryker shouts at Zayn. Before I have a chance to glance back over to them, the girl holds out her hand to me.

“Hey ya’ll. Nice to meet you. I’m a friend of Taylor’s,” she says shaking my hand.

“Hey, I’m Autumn,” I say.

The blonde offers her hand to Natalie next.


She makes her way to Mason, who says, “Great to meet you, Tori.”

Tori. Tori.Tori. My mind rewinds itself to parent teacher conference night when Sam dropped that name so nonchalantly.Is this the same girl? Zayn’s . . . ex?

My cheeks flush as I hope I’m assuming wrong. It can’t be her.

“Well, can’t wait to spend time with y’all. I’m gonna go see what the guys are up to,” she says heading over to Ryker and Zayn.

I hop up swiftly and make my way over to them as well. Nonchalantly, of course.

Tori squeaks, “Hiii Zayn-y baby! Need a hand?”

I cringe. A knot makes its way from my stomach to my throat.

“No, thank you, Tori. We’re all good,” he says.

So, he’s brushing her off. That’s a good sign, right?

“Dinner’s ready, y’all,” Ryker shouts out to everyone. I get closer to Zayn and grab two bags of chips. I start opening them and bringing them over to the long picnic table that’s been set up.

Mason and Natalie make their way over to the table while Tori and Taylor take their seats. The boys bring over the burgers and hot dogs. Taylor points around the items on the table, ensuring all the condiments are there before setting down a stack of paper plates. I sit next to Natalie, leaving room on the end for Zayn.

Tori notions for Zayn to sit next to her just as Taylor announces, “Alright everyone, eat up.”
