Page 64 of Meet the Teacher

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Her friends nod in quick approval as they walk away. “I was . . . umm, well. I was wondering,” I stumble to get the words out. I clear my throat again. She probably thinks I’m some sort of nut job. “Would you like to . . . go with me?”

Her eyebrow raises in confusion. “Go where?”

Really, Zayn? She’s going to think you’re a loser. “Uhh . . . sorry, I meant, go out with me.” I take a big deep breath before asking, “Would you like to go out with me sometime? Maybe this weekend?”

Autumn blinks a few times before saying, “No, thank you.”

“I’d love to pick you up and take you to this new restaur—wait. I’m sorry. Did you say, ‘No thank you’ to me?” Wow, do I sound like a douchebag.

She drops her phone in her bag and grabs out her keys. “Yes, that’s what I said.”

“Oh.” Embarrassed, I begin to walk away.

Wait, I’ve come this far with courage, so I feel like I deserve to know why not. Both my feet turn to face her again. I look at her daringly and ask, “Can I at least know why not?”

She stands up, fumbling with her keys. I continue to watch Autumn as she tucks a strand of hair behind her ear and asks me in rebuttal, “Can I know why?”

I’m stunned by her boldness.

She continues, “Tell me why, Mr. Zayn Mitchell, quarterback of the football team, who’s known me for years and has barely ever made real eye contact with me, suddenly wants to go out with me?”

I contemplate how best to answer. “Listen, Autumn, I can give you lines about how gorgeous you are like I usually do with the other girls. And yes, believe me, you’re one of the most gorgeous girls I’ve ever laid eyes on. But the truth is . . .” I pause for a moment, staring down at my cleats. It’s now or never Zayn, just tell her how you feel. “The truth is that I feel some type of connection with you. I have for years, but I never thought a girl like you would ever take a chance on a guy like me. But then, seeing you here tonight, I figured it’s now or never. I just know you’d be good for me. And as bold as it may be for me to assume, I think I could be good for you, too.”

As soon as I finish, I search her eyes, trying to make out what she is thinking. I certainly can’t read her as easily as I can most girls. Hell, I am not sure I can read her at all. Why is she so different?

“Okay,” she replies.

My left eyebrow raises and my head cocks in uncertainty. “Okay? Is that a yes, then?” I ask.

“Yes.” Her eyes squint a bit. “But under one condition.”

My face softens as I flash her a reassuring smile. I try to mentally prepare myself for whatever her condition might be. “All right, Miss Parker, name your price.”

“If this turns out to be some silly joke, and you stand me up or something, then I will never, EVER speak to you again. Don’t mistake my kindness as weakness. Got it?”

I scoff. She thinks this is a joke! Am I that much of an asshole that she doesn’t even believe that I really want to go out with her?

“It’s not a joke, I promise,” I tell her, fighting back the temptation to stick my pinky finger out like a twelve-year-old girl. I continue, “Look, I know I’ve never given you the chance to get to know me, but I promise you that I’m not the guy that everyone else seems to think I am. That’s just who they want me to be, not who I actually am.” At this point, I don’t think I’m even trying to convince her as much as I am myself. It feels so good to let some of these pent-up feelings out. I release a loud sigh before asking, “So, I’ll pick you up at eight p.m. this Friday?”

“Make it six p.m. and you got yourself a deal.” Her lips form a smile.

“You’re an early bird, huh?” I tease.

She flashes me a big smile as she says, “Definitely. Don’t you know . . . the early bird gets the worm?”

That day I decided I wanted to be the earliest bird there ever was.

When I reach the beach house, I ring the doorbell, hoping she’ll answer.

The door opens slightly and her face peeks through. “What are you doing here?”

“I—uh, well I’m wondering why you haven’t answered any of my calls. What’s going on?”

She motions for me to come in. “Zayn,” she says. I hear the seriousness in her voice, and I immediately sense that something is off. Her green eyes stare into mine. “I can’t do this anymore.”

Her words cut like a knife to my heart. “Autumn, please tell me what’s going on.” My voice cracks a bit. “Please.”

“You won’t get it, Zayn. I’m sorry we can’t all have it so easy and just go run off into the sunset.” My heart sinks at my own words from the past used against me.
