Page 63 of Meet the Teacher

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Damn, what is with her? Why is this any of her business? Does she want him back?

I hesitate before giving her a, “Well, sort of.”

She nods. “Mhmm.” she takes a sip of her coffee and places it down on the table with the napkins. “I had a feeling that was the case.”

I watch as she scoots her chair closer to the table, as if leaning in to let me in on a secret.

“Excuse me?” I ask.

“So, here’s the thing. Not sure if you know this, but Zayn and I were together a few years back. We hooked up one night and next thing you know, we were talking nonstop and having all sorts of fun together . . .” She pauses to take another sip of coffee. Jealousy rages through my veins and seeps out of every pore as I start breaking into a sweat. I grab a napkin off the table between us and dab slightly at my forehead and cheeks.

“Sorry, I’m a bit hot, I guess,” I tell her.

“Even with iced coffee?” she inquires.

I scoff. “I guess so. Anyway, you and Zayn had fun together, got it.” I’m not usually this rude, but I don’t know how to get out of this sticky situation.

“Honey, please. I am not the bad guy here. But yeah, you get the gist. For the months we were together, we made plans, like to move in together or whatever. Instead, the man tells me we’re over. That we had been over for some time. And poof—just like that, it’s as if we were nothing.”

“I—wait, when did this happen?” I ask.

“About four years ago. I know, I sound pathetic. But us girls have to look out for each other, ya know?” Tori flashes me a smile.

I nod. “Yeah, definitely. I appreciate that. And I am so sorry he did that to you.”

“Eh, it’s whatever now. Water under the bridge. Our first night together was so amazing. I’ll never forget how I thought my life had changed for the better and that I’d finally found ‘the one’ . . . sounds silly, I know.”

I cough. “Not silly. I know the feeling myself.”

“I bet. I’m not trying to be negative. And to be honest with you, I’ve come to appreciate what we had even if he did end it like that. Such a shame, isn’t it? The good-looking guys are always douchebags.” Tori takes another sip of her coffee before standing. “Look, Autumn, I know it can be hard to hear this, but just be careful is all. Good luck.”

“Thanks, Tori. I will be.”

“Bye,” she says flashing me a quick wave.

“Bye.” I blow out a sigh.Well, that was . . . a lot. So, Zayn ghosted her, too. Do I honestly know if he wants to commit? My mind flashes back to his mention of their relationship being “nothing,” and that he shouldn’t have let it go on for as long as it did. Maybe that’s what’s happening to us now.


No response. I need to go see her. It’s weird I haven’t heard from her. She hasn’t returned my calls in almost two days. Two whole days since our amazing night and morning we shared together. And now, nothing. Crickets.

I pop on my favorite Under Armor hoodie and the mixture of Autumn’s perfume and coconut shampoo enters my nostrils. Instantly, her scent takes me back to the days when I first asked her out.


I can’t believe I scored the winning touchdown tonight! I feel so bold, so good. I walk toward the stands and several girls instantly approach me. I start to debate who will be the lucky girl for me tonight. Scanning the bleachers, my eyes meet hers. There’s the girl I’ve always wanted, laughing with a few of her friends.

Autumn Parker.

She’s wearing jeans and a Lake View High hoodie, and she’s easily the most beautiful girl here tonight. Seeing her long, brown hair in those two braids flow down her sweatshirt is about to kill me. Every time I see her, my whole body freezes. Her smile automatically makes me smile too. I’d been with lots of girls, but no one can match this feeling I have when I’m around her.

Not to brag, but approaching girls typically comes easy for me. In fact, they often come up to me first, which I know has a lot to do with being a football player. I don’t really get why. It’s just a sport, and right now, I’m so sweaty and probably smell like wet towels and onions. But there’s at least a dozen girls flocked around me.

I smile, nodding politely as I wade through the small sea of them. As I get closer to Autumn and her friends, I realize I don’t know what to say to her.

I look down and notice the dirt under the stands beginning to show through what used to be grass. I focus on my surroundings instead. When my feet finally manage to take me to her, all I’m able to muster is a simple“hi.”

She looks right at me. Concern washes over her, yet she still throws me the most magnificent smile as she replies with “hi” back. Nerves flutter in my stomach. I clear my throat, hoping to rid the lump that’s formed in it.
