Page 68 of Meet the Teacher

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Cathy changes the subject. “Well, we can’t believe we’re going to have a twenty-nine-year-old over here this week.”

“December twenty-ninth, right?” I ask, even though I’ve never forgotten.

“Mhmm,” Autumn says.

My dad reaches across the table, spooning more corn casserole onto his plate. “Alright, son, you best get something nice for your girlfriend then.”

I damn near choke on a spear of asparagus. I grab my wine glass and before I can even take a sip, Autumn interjects, “We’re actually just friends.” The words pierce through me.

She glares at me. My eyes widen from nearly choking, but I finish off the last little bit of my wine. I really need a chance to talk with her more.

“Uh, more wine anyone?” Dan asks as he grabs an unopened bottle off the table.Dan the Man to the rescue.

“Yes, please,” Autumn and I answer in unison holding up our glasses.

“Well, today’s the big day,” I tell Quinton while holding him. “Definitely hope it’s a day to get my mind off of Zayn for once.”

“Trust us, it will. We’re here!” Natalie announces as she and Mason let themselves in.

I turn and set Quinton back in his home. “Talk to you soon, buddy,” I whisper to him before walking into the kitchen to wash my hands. “Hey, guys! Thanks for coming over!”

“We wouldn’t miss it for the world. Happy birthday,” Mason says coming over to give me a hug. Natalie follows him. The three of us do a group hug for a moment before Mason says, “Love you both so much. Let’s make this Autumn’s best day ever!”

The two of them send me out onto the patio with an iced coffee from Eats & Sweets. The gesture is sweet and appreciated, but if they knew it reminded me of Zayn, they probably would have brought me Starbucks today instead.

They decorate the house while I sip my coffee and people-watch on the beach. After about ten minutes, they call me inside. Everything is hedgehog themed. I walk around gasping at all the cuteness, when I realize they’ve put a tiny birthday hat on Quinton, too. It’s adorable! They have really outdone themselves. “You guys!” I say, holding my hand to my mouth. A tear makes its way down my cheek. “This is the absolute sweetest. Thank you so much!”

“You are more than welcome, babe,” Natalie says, making some sangria in the kitchen. The doorbell rings so I head over. It’s my parents.

“Happy birthday to our sweet little angel,” my mom says coming in for a hug. From behind her my dad says, “Happy birthday, Autumn. We love you so much.”

“Thank you both. Wait til you see the place. Natalie and Mason really outdid themselves,” I tell them.

“You would’ve done the same for us,” Natalie shouts out from the kitchen.

As soon as we all begin heading to the living room, the doorbell rings again. It’s some people from work. “Hey guys,” I say. “Come on in.”

“Happy birthday!”

As soon as they’re in, a few others arrive. I take a moment to think to myself how nice it is to be surrounded by family and friends I love. This is exactly what I needed today.

I stand at the door, welcoming more people in as they wish me a happy birthday and give hugs. I’m about to shut the door when I notice someone else coming up the driveway. My stomach drops when I see who it is.


“Happy birthday, Autumn,” he says. “Don’t worry, I come in peace.”

“Thanks, but what the hell are you doing here? Don’t you have a wedding to plan?” I quip.

Liam clears his throat and loosens his tie a bit. “Yup, I deserve that.” He peeks inside for a moment. “I know you’ve got a party going on, but if I could just chat with you for a little, it’d really mean a lot to me. I completely respect if your answer is no, though.”

Ugh, do I really want to let this jerk inside right now?I debate it for a moment. “Autumn, come over here really quickly,” my mom shouts from the living room.

“Okay, fine,” I tell Liam. “You get five minutes. I’ll meet you back outside here in a minute. Let me go see what my mom needs and tell the guests I’ll be in a quick chat. Sound good?”

“That’d be great,” he replies. “I’ll wait right here.”

I shut the door and make my way into the living room.
