Page 9 of Meet the Teacher

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“Yeah,” I shrug. “I don’t really have a plan right now. For the first time in my life. And now without Summer, I feel even more stuck.”

Kayla extends her hand to my shoulder. “I can’t even imagine what it’s like for you. I have to tell you, the entire town ain’t been the same without Summer. She was so much fun and loved by everyone.”

A tear makes its way down my cheek. “Joe, I’m ready for another drink,” I yell to him.

“Another Four Horsemen?” he asks.

“Absolutely not,” I say, trying not to think about how drunk I probably am from the first one. “I’ll do a Tito’s and soda with a lime this time, please.”

He nods. “Back to the usual. There’s the Autumn I remember.”

Kayla laughs at Joe’s remark. “That’s the Autumn I remember, too. You would’ve never taken a sip of anything that dangerous the last time I saw you. Although it has been at least what—four years or so?”

“Yup, you’re right,” I admit with a chuckle. “I know it sounds ridiculous, but I’m trying to honor Summer by completing this bucket list we made together years ago. I’ve searched the beach house already. Since I’ve had no luck finding the dang thing, I’m trying to remember what was on it. And ‘Take a Four Horsemen shot’ was one of the things I do remember.”

“Oh! How fun! I love that. So, what else do you remember is on the list?”

I smirk at her.Maybe this night doesn’t have to end terribly. “Dance on a bar . . .”

Kayla downs her drink before hollering to Joe. “Two more, Joe! And keep ‘em coming!”

The sound of Bon Jovi’s “Livin’ on a Prayer” reverberates throughout the bar while a man in his early forties screams into the karaoke mic.

“Come on girl, you ready or what?” Kayla asks me.

“Don’t get me wrong, I want to do the things on the list, but I’m not sure I’m ready to tackle this one yet,” I admit.

Kayla looks around. “If you don’t want to do this, that’s fine. We don’t have to.”

“Thanks, maybe one more drink will help me,” I say. She nods and we take our seats. Zayn is seated on the opposite side of the bar now, with his old friend Ryker right next to him. I can’t help but keep looking in their direction. Ryker notices and gives me a wink. He and Zayn were always the best of friends, and it does make me happy to know that nothing has changed between the two of them.

I wave, which feels a bit awkward. Zayn looks directly at me now and gives a nod. My already-flushed cheeks get hotter.

“Babe, you okay?” Kayla asks, interrupting this little moment.

My eyes shift back to her. “Shit, yes. Just being my awkward self, I guess.”

She grabs my shoulders and gets closer to me. “Listen, Autumn, forget Zayn and forget that you’re back in this dump. Let’s just let loose and focus on having fun.”

“You’re right.” I signal Joe over for one more drink.

His eyebrows raise before he says, “You sure? Who’s driving?”

“I’ll have Mom come pick me up. She offered earlier, but I didn’t realize I’d have this much to drink,” I yell to him over the blaring music.

“Alright, as long as you’re sure,” he says, filling another glass with Tito’s.

“Oh my God, Autumn,” Kayla interjects. “Do you see that guy at the door?”

I turn my head to face the door. There’s a guy who looks to be in his thirties, gelled-back blonde hair that reminds me a bit of Liam’s. This guy is much taller though and looks like a southern boy from how he’s dressed, a plain white shirt with distressed (from actual wear) jeans. Liam wouldn’t be caught dead in such a thing.

“Oh, who is that?” I ask.

“Well, it’s this guy, Callum. He and I went on a few dates and then he ghosted me. I don’t know what the hell happened, but I was so into him,” she explains.

“I can see why. He’s really good looking,” I say.

