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“I’ll never get used to that,” Lucas said with a chuckle.

He massaged my feet for a few more minutes before I exhaled and said, “I’m craving some Swedish Fish.”

Lucas gagged. “How can you eat that crap?”

“I can’t help it if you don’t have good taste.”

When I stood, I heard Lucas draw in a loud breath of air. Turning to look at him, I saw a wet spot on the sofa.

“Oh my gosh, did I pee on the sofa?”

Lucas flew up, stared down at the sofa, and screamed, “Holy shit!”

With a roll of my eyes, I said, “It’s not that big of a deal. I can use the small carpet cleaner or have Mom or Sarah clean it.”

“Oh my God!” Lucas said, turning to look at me. His eyes went to my stomach, and he pointed. “It’s…it’s…it’s…”

“Pee. Get used to it now,” I said as I turned on my heels and walked toward the kitchen and my snack stash. “I heard that sometimes when you change the baby, they pee right then and there. Your mom said one time you peed so far it hit the ceiling fan and went everywhere.”

“Hollie!” Lucas shouted, causing me to turn and look at him.


“Your water broke!”

I looked down then back up. With a shake of my head, I said, “No.”

He nodded.

“No,” I repeated, whipping my head back and forth until it felt like it would snap off. “I cannot go into labor on Halloween!”

Lucas flew past me, nearly breaking his neck in the process. “The bag!”

“It’s already in the car. Remember? I’m being induced tomorrow. This is all just a strange peeing incident. Let’s go take a shower and…”

My voice trailed off as I saw Lucas come running back with his bag over his neck, a bag of Doritos in one hand, and his phone in the other.

“We need to call your mom!”

The doorbell rang then flew open as Sarah, my mother, and Lucy walked in.

“Elaine!” Lucas shouted. “Your daughter is about to have a baby!”

Talking control of my clearly psychotic husband, my mother took the bag off of his neck then pried the chips out of his hands.

“Sarah, go take this out to the car, will you sweetheart?” she said.

Doing as my mother asked, Sarah looked at me and raised a single brow. I shrugged.

“So your wife goes into labor and you thought she needed a bag of Doritos?” Sarah asked.

Lucas shot a look at my sister. “She loves them, okay!”

Holding up her hands, Sarah slowly backed out of the door.

“What are the three of you doing here?” I asked.

“We all sensed the baby was coming,” Lucy stated.
