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“Does he hate magick that much?” Sarah added.

Lucas shook his head. “No, I mean, yes. I don’t really know. It’s kind of strange. His father is against it and so was his grandfather and his great-grandmother… It’s like a family tradition to be against magick.”

“But he’s a descendant of Mary Dyer,” Sarah said, “and she was hanged for being a witch.”

Lucas shrugged. “I don’t know; he just has a thing about it.”

Clearly accepting that answer, Sarah waited for Lucas to go on.

“Matt was worried that his mother would buy into the idea that her health problems could be solved by potions and stones and whatever it was she was buying from you—in place of her medicine or advice from her doctor.”

Sarah’s eyes went wide. “I would never advise that! She never even mentioned anything about having cancer or needing something to cure it. She wanted something to clear out negative energy in her home. She asked me what natural cleaning products would be healthy to have in the house. She bought the daily shower spell kit that has homemade soap and shampoo in it. She also bought the self-love spell kit that has the after-shower body lotion Lucy makes.”

“Oh, I love that stuff!” I added.

Sarah nodded. “The spell inside is harmless.”

“You don’t have to explain anything to me, Sarah,” Lucas said. “I think Matt is scared that if her cancer comes back, she’ll turn to you and Lucy for help.”

“And I would help her, along with whatever her doctor suggests.”

Lucas nodded. “I know you would.”

“So little Matty is worried I’m playing doctor? I get it, I do, but that isn’t what we’re all about!” Sarah stated.

Lucas laughed. “I don’t think he’d appreciate you calling him that now. I’m also pretty sure he’s acting that way because of the crush he used to have on you.”

Closing her eyes, she laughed before looking back at Lucas. “He had a crush on me? I used to have the biggest crush on him, but when I told him he said he could never like a witch.”

“I remember that!” I stated as I put my hand on my hip. “I was so mad at him for saying that to you.”

“Months after that happened, he asked me to a dance at his private school. I told him I’d rather turn myself into a toad and that he was the last boy I would ever go to a dance with.”

“Ouch,” I whispered.

Lucas frowned. “Well, now that you understand why he came at you so hard, maybe you should talk to him.”

Giving Lucas a look that said he’d lost his mind, Sarah put her plate down and stood. “I am not explaining myself or our shop to that man. He needs to learn for himself; it’s not my job to educate him.”

“Agreed,” I said. “But, maybe he’s afraid.”

“Of what?” Sarah asked.

The bell above the door rang, and Sarah stiffened.

“What’s wrong?” I asked softly.

Snarling up her lip, Sarah turned on her heels. “Speaking of the devil himself.”

And with that, she rushed through the office door and back out to the store.

“What was that all about?” Lucas asked.

“Matt’s here.”

Rolling his eyes, he mumbled, “I’m never going to get used to that.”

I got up and went to sneak out when Lucas took my arm. “What are you doing?” he asked.
