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I had nothing to offer in the situation other than bleeding feet and the bits of paint I hadn’t bother to scrub out from under my fingernails.

Which meant I knew of exactly one option that might get us out of there.

So I grabbed his face, and pulled it down to mine.

He didn’t react for the first few seconds, the same way he hadn’t the first time I kissed him. But I slipped my tongue between his lips, desperate to bring him back to consciousness.

When his hot hands (literally, hot) found my waist and yanked me to his chest, I pulled away. Our eyes collided, and I found his gaze smoldering down at me, still glowing but glowing a hell of a lot less. It was getting so hot that my hair was damp with sweat, plastered to my neck and back and shoulders. The volcano’s rumbling was so strong that I could only remain on my feet because of the giant dude steadying me.

“Get us out of here,” I pleaded.

“This will hurt,” he managed to get out. His lips crashed into mine, his hands sliding down to grip my ass before I could process his words. I was too desperate to listen to him anyway; too terrified, and panicked, and… unfortunately, a little turned-on too.

Ihadthought it was a sex dream, after all.

His tongue was down my throat when the two of us erupted into flames.

I screamed into his mouth as the pain hit me, hard and hot.

For one awful, hellish moment, I was being burned alive.

And then a second later, the fire was gone.

The man released me, and I crashed to my knees on the ground, my chest rising and falling too rapidly. All I could smell was burnt hair, and I could still feel the ground shaking a little, so I didn’t dare open my eyes.

There were a million questions I wanted to ask the man, but none that would leave my lips. They were quivering too fast; my entire body was trembling, actually.

Was I in shock?

I had to be in shock.

To go from nothing, to making out with the hottest guy I’d ever seen—both attraction and actual-heat wise—and then being burned alive?

Shit, it was too much.

My breaths were coming out shallowly, and I got dizzier and dizzier by the second.

I heard something crunch on the ground, and then two giant hands were on me. One on my shoulder, one on my cheek.

“Eyes open,” the man growled.

For some insane, stupid reason, my eyes obeyed.

The world was spinning, but I could see very clearly the soft gold of his gaze. No glowing, for the moment.

“Name?” His next command was only one word.


“Ivy,” I panted, trying not to sway with the bits and pieces of the world I could see.

His voice was low and gravelly when he said, “Vriva, you picked up my sword and it bonded us for life. Now, you are mine. The magic I hold is too strong to control. It will take me, and I will blaze once again. Anything and everything will burn.”

As he spoke, his eyes slowly began to glow again.


Not good.
