Page 110 of King of Malice

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The breathless whisper of her kiss.

The hunger igniting every ember.

And I wanted more of everything.

The words of my father the day he’d buried his brother one rainy afternoon rushed into the forefront of my mind.

“Life is like an unfinished story, no beginning or end. Death isn’t the last word but the beautiful start to an adventure.”

With one last longing look, I rose to my full height, prepared to face my destiny.



The realization that I’d almost lost him, the man I loved, had left a tremendous ache in my heart. The horrific sound of gunfire continued to echo in my ears, my mouth dry from the terror that had been paralyzing for what had seemed like hours, yet the battle had lasted less than two minutes.

According to Phoenix.

The eerie silence after hearing several vehicles screeching to a stop had been as terrifying, maybe more so since I’d had no clue what was happening. Only when Phoenix had dropped to his knees, cradling me in my arms had I taken a single breath, whispering that everything was going to be okay.

How? How would it ever be okay?

Now, three hours later, we were finally aboard the jet, waiting to return… home. My new home. With a man I barely knew yet one I couldn’t imagine living without. There’d been police and ambulances, questions thrown at me that I had no idea how to answer, but I’d allowed Phoenix to guide me into providing the right information.

Just like the information my father had sent me that I continued to clutch in my hand. At least people I didn’t know had come to provide their assistance, men just as powerful in their dress and demeanor.

So many questions raced through my mind, but I’d left him alone, staring out at the concrete runway instead. A thousand emotions. Our love was unexpected. It was strong, uncontrollable, but I still wasn’t certain if it would be enough.

I closed my eyes, unable to avoid the guilt for not listening to my father. That would take time, if at all possible, but I also felt a sense of pride in what he’d done, doing his best to protect Elena. He’d treated her like the daughter he’d left behind, his life taken because of his loyalty to her.

I’d begun to fully understand not only the meaning of the word but also the importance. One of many things I’d taken for granted in my life.

No more.

That was a promise I’d made to myself I intended to keep.

As the voices began to fade, I took a deep breath. Then I felt his presence beside me, and a wave of tingling sensations electrified every cell.

Phoenix pulled my hand into his, rubbing the rough pads of his fingers back and forth. “There are aspects of my life that will always be as questionable as they will be dangerous. I never sugarcoated it, but the difficulties you’ve faced over the last week would be horrifying for anyone.”

As usual, the husky inflections in his voice washed over me like a warm blanket, the dark baritone a part of every girl’s fantasies.

“You didn’t force me, Phoenix. Not really.” I opened my eyes, tilting my head so I could watch his every expression.

He laughed, although I could tell he didn’t find any of what we’d been through funny in the least. “So you willingly participated in several gun battles?”

“I knew you’d save me.”

“It was the only thing on my mind the entire time.”

“The only thing?” I allowed a teasing sound to appear in my voice.

He lifted his eyebrows, his expression one of hunger.

And domination.

“You know what else. You read it yourself.”
