Page 111 of King of Malice

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Yes, I had, but he wasn’t ready to talk about what he’d learned in my father’s written statements, and neither was I. And I’d yet to open a single letter. “Who were those men from before?”

“Members of an alliance I’m in. The Brotherhood.”

“I take it they all have the same background as you do?”

A slight grin crossed his face as he reached for his drink. “If by that you’re asking if they’re dangerous criminals heading notorious organizations? The answer would be yes. Maxim Nikitin runs Miami. Hell, he owns most of it. I couldn’t stand the man at first. Brusque. Arrogant. Conceited.”

“It sounds like you should be best friends.”

“You’re aching for punishment. Aren’t you?”

“Even if I say no, that won’t stop you.”

“Hmm…” He ran a single finger down my neck, smiling as soon as goosebumps popped across my arms. “You’re right. Gabriel Giordano is in charge of the New York Cosa Nostra. He’s had trouble with the Armenian faction in the Big Apple. Evidently, the Don of that organization owed him a favor. Narek Badalyan is perhaps the most powerful Armenian in the country. I don’t think we’ll have any further issues with Zakaryan in Philly.”

“What happened to the enemy soldiers? Several were led away. Were they arrested?”

His eyes twinkled. “Remember what I told you before. Don’t ask questions if you don’t want to hear all the gory details.”

“Well, I guess when I’m your wife, I have a right to know all those gory details. Spill it.”

“They weren’t arrested. They were taken to be… dealt with.”

“You mean killed.”

“You do understand,” he told me, almost as if he was proud.

“I’m no fool. I’ve read enough articles on how business in handled in the seedy underworld of organized crime.”

He acted as if he was offended, which made me laugh. “Some are more brutal and seedier than others, the Armenians as savage as the Russians.”

“Fascinating. I hope you’ll buck the trend.”

“Actually, that’s what I will do, but that won’t come quickly or easily.”

I stared out the window, wondering why we were waiting. Then I realized Stavros hadn’t remained on the plane. “What happened to your brother?”

By the tight smile crossing his lips, I sensed he could hear the angst in my voice. “He’s remaining behind to continue cleaning up the political mess while also keeping an eye on Elizabeth. While Maxim and Narek’s men are cleaning up any Armenian stragglers, there’s always a chance one or more will try and create another uprising.”

He was choosing his words carefully. “You mean Stavros likes her. Right?”

Now he burst into laughter. “It would appear so. He’ll hitch a ride back with Gabriel later in the week. That means we have the plane all to ourselves.”

“I do like that thought.” When I glanced out the window across the aisle, I noticed an unknown SUV waiting only fifty yards away.

A sudden faraway look shifted across his face.

“Why are we still idling? Why is there still a vehicle parked outside?”

“Because you have another opportunity to walk out that door and Maxim’s soldiers will take you to your condo.”

The voice of the usually emotionless man was full of glitches.

“You have a life I interfered with, people you care about, and a job I know you love. I was a selfish prick, Whitney, always taking what I want without hesitation or any regard to the consequences of my actions. Then I realized every time I reminded you of the outcome should you misbehave or not follow the rules that I was being a hypocrite.”

“Isn’t that your prerogative as king of the hill?”

His nostrils flared as he looked at me. “You’re pushing your boundaries again.”
