Page 28 of King of Malice

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But goddamn it, a part of me wanted to believe her.


Why the hell would I risk my entire organization on the chance possibility that she had no idea what the fuck her father had been doing for months?

“Stavros,” I said as I leaned against the stone wall. “I take it that your call means there’s news.”

“Elena is home and safe at Pops’ house. However, our parents have cut their trip short,” he said, knowing how much it irritated me when our father interfered with my business. However, he’d been looking for a reason to exact his own personal level of revenge against the Armenians for years. While starting a war wasn’t in anyone’s best interest, there would be a time when it was necessary in order to lay down the law to every other syndicate thinking about muscling their way into a territory.

Something else my father had taught me over the years.

However, my patience was being tested, the Armenians pushing. And I didn’t like to be pressed under any circumstances.

“To be expected,” I told him.

His laugh came close to pissing me off. “Maybe for you but when Pops comes into town, everyone is suddenly on edge.”

“Relax, brother. Arman Zakaryan is an old enemy our father wants dead at any costs.”

“Then why not put a bullet between his eyes?”

“Because it’s not protocol.”

“Fuck protocol.”

His fuming bouts were starting to get out of hand. I allowed him to calm down without berating him.

“What else? I can hear it in your voice.” I couldn’t seem to take my eyes off Whitney. I was surprised she’d admitted her real name as well as personal details about her life. Either she was using it as a ploy to bring me out in the open or she was telling me the truth.

“The word on the street is that a weakness has been discovered in the great Diamondis operation.”

A weakness.

I was no fool. Neither was Arman Zakaryan, the aging Armenian mob boss who until recently had laid low in Philadelphia. I’d known for years it was only a matter of time before he reared his ugly head. The push was becoming toxic. Perhaps the best thing to do would be to cut off their heads before they made an official challenge. What troubled me more than anything was that if Theodore had placed his daughter in the middle of a war, she wouldn’t survive.

Again. Why did I care?

As long as I retrieved the information before Arman got a hold of it, I could avoid the kind of blood war that would leave every morgue filled to capacity.

When I said nothing, I heard my brother’s exasperated sigh.

“When the fuck are you coming back here? We need to made decisions,” he demanded.

“You’re not in charge, Stavros. What I’m doing could stop the war you’re so worried about.”

“I hope this woman is worth risking your family.”

“This woman is quite possibly the key to keeping our family intact. I suggest you remember who you work for.” We’d butted heads for years. We’d been born into a world where the children weren’t allowed to choose who and what they wanted to be for the rest of their lives, especially the oldest son. I’d been provided the finest education, including Harvard, but that was all in preparation of taking over from our father.

Stavros had remained in my shadow, provided the same training, the same education, all in case I met my demise. He’d hated every minute of it, often taking his aggressions out on anyone who stood in his way.

But he knew better than to issue a challenge, which meant the threat was greater than usual.

“Skéftesai móno me to poulí sou,” he hissed. You’re thinking only with your cock.

Rage pounded against my temples. “Fovásai óti tha anankasteís na igitheís, aderfé? Fováste óti tha chreiasteí na vreíte tis báles sas?” The words needed to be said.

Are you afraid you’ll be forced to lead, brother? Are you terrified you’ll need to find your balls?
