Page 29 of King of Malice

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He cursed under his breath but understood his disrespect would cost him. No man, family or otherwise, challenged one of my decisions. I was finished with his antics and lack of attention to detail. Most of all, I was tired of carrying his weight. Exhaling, I sensed several customers paying far too close attention to me.

While he remained on the call, he was attempting to goad me into backing down with his silence. When I spoke again, I did so through gritted teeth. “Sweep the streets. Find out everything you can. Take Nico with you.” Our younger brother had avoided much of the family indoctrination, but it was time he learned his place as consigliere, especially since he’d recently passed the bar exam.

“Fine.Boss. Have it your way.” Now he chose to hang up on me.

Hissing, I closed my eyes as I did what I could to curtail my anger. My temper was legendary, often resulting in thousands of dollars of damage when brought to the kind of rage I’d felt over the last few days.

I took a deep breath and held it. My lovely companion didn’t need to see a grown man throw a tantrum. After glancing in her direction, I realized she was captivated by something on her phone, not paying any attention to me. I dialed Jonas. Hopefully, he had some additional information. I turned away from her to finish my business.

“Phoenix,” he said, strain in his voice.


“She’s fine. Not happy and I’m certain you’ll hear about your decision to force her home when you return, but she’s here.”

“Keep her safe. Do not leave her alone,” I told him as I tried to rub the ache from my eyes.

“I don’t plan on it.”

“Did she give you any insight to Theodore?”

“No. She’s still surprised she didn’t detect his treachery sooner,” he answered. “Are you on the train?”

“A stopover in St. Louis.”

“You’re with her.”

“Yes, I’m with Whitney. Anything else with the man’s accounts?”

“No. He was careful. I confirmed Ms. Canfield didn’t meet with him prior to his death. She was in LA attending a business conference, not leaving until after receiving notice of his death.”

“That means he possibly mailed the information to her. I’m following through on the initial plans. Check the hotel where she was staying to make certain she didn’t receive a package there.”

“I already did. Nothing. I found no signs he used a service to send anything.”

Snorting, I shook my head. “For all we know, he stuck an envelope in his mailbox. It means nothing.” Or he’d left it for her inside his house, hidden in a secret compartment. I wouldn’t put anything past the man.

“What now?”

That was the daunting question at this point. If I’d learned of her existence, then there was no doubt Zakaryan had as well.

Exhaling, I turned around, expecting to see her face. Instead, there was an empty chair. “I’m following through with my original plans. I will be bringing someone with me.”

He chuckled. “Would you like me to makearrangementsat your house?”

Arrangements. His word for asking if I wanted a cage brought into my home. “I’m many things, Jonas, but not a barbarian. I’ll handle her discipline as necessary. Make certain we’re not under attack. I’ve sent Nico and Stavros to the streets. Keep an eye out for any unusual activity.”

“Will do, boss. I don’t know what Stavros told you, but the informant working in Zakaryan’s employ insists an attack has been planned.”


“Out of town. He had no additional details.”

Out of town? The fucker never went anywhere, fearful several syndicates would use his departure as an opportunity to eliminate a possible threat. If what Jonas told me was true, the planned attack was bigger than I’d originally thought.

“Find out more, Jonas. I want details or he’ll face my wrath.”

Jonas snorted. “I’ll do what I can but from what he said, Zakaryan has suddenly become a loose cannon.”
