Page 33 of King of Malice

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While I didn’t want to miss the train either, I sensed his urgency. We took off running through the station, Phoenix pushing through crowds of people, his hand tightly wrapped around mine.

The moment we were stuck behind a large group of people, he snarled, more forceful in his actions. When we were close to the doors leading out to the platform, I noticed the train had already started to move.

“We’re not going to make it,” I told him.

“Like hell we aren’t.”

I felt like I was flying as he pulled me toward the moving train. Everything was a complete blur, my pulse pushed to the limit. There was no way we were going to make it. Yet there was no stopping the man. He shoved his way through the last few people, grabbing the handle on the steps leading to the train.

Without any struggle his body twisted, a wide grin crossing his face as he pulled me off my feet and into his arms. It took a few seconds to realize we were safe on the bottom step. The train had picked up speed, flashes of the station and covered platform drifting into a blur of buildings. As he wrapped both arms around me, I rolled my arms around his neck, the breeze from the still open door floating around us.

“I told you we’d make it,” he said gruffly as he lowered his head, pressing his forehead against mine.

“You’re crazy,” I managed, half laughing.

“You have no idea, baby. Come on. Let’s get inside.” He pulled me further into the train, the door finally closing. I noticed the chastising look of one of the conductors, the older man shaking his head. Phoenix didn’t bother looking in his direction, leading us through the passenger car. When several people clapped because of our grand entrance, I couldn’t help but laugh.

He pushed his way through two more cars, leading us both to my cabin. There was an urgency to his actions, his chest rising and falling. But it wasn’t from exertion. He was wired, the electricity crackling between us combustible.

I fumbled to get the key, barely twisting the handle to the door before he shoved me inside, ripping my purse from my hand and dropping it to the floor. My phone and the rest of the contents scattered across the floor, his deep growl indicating he didn’t care.

When he shoved me against the wall, our combined needs became primal, both ripping at each other’s clothes. Nothing mattered but sharing our explosive need, unbridled passion that knew no bounds. As soon as we were both naked, he cupped both sides of my face, every muscle in his body tense.

“Goddamn it, woman. I want you.”

There was no method of stopping the delicious madness. We were hot for each other, so much so the heat rising between us created vibrations dancing down to my toes. The dark, breathless sounds he made continued to spark the fire. I closed my eyes as he raked his teeth along my jaw, moving ever so slowly to my ear. When he darted his tongue into the shell, I shuddered to my core. The moment was pure euphoria.

“I’m going to fuck you long and hard.”

“Uh-huh,” I muttered, my mouth watering, the need increasing.

Laughing softly, he nipped my earlobe then rolled his lips to my mouth, capturing it like the savage he was. While his kisses from before had left me lightheaded, the way his tongue dominated mine sent me floating into the clouds. I raked my nails down his muscular back, pulling his body tightly against mine. The feel of his throbbing cock kept me breathless, my mind spinning about all the wicked things he would do to me.

And I craved every one of them.

The kiss was just a statement of ownership, a moment of reaffirming his possession. Our tongues twisted together in a seductive dance, twisting. Exploring. My stomach was in knots, my arousal indescribable as I wrapped one leg around his thigh. How could a man be this evocative, yanking on every bad girl gene existing in my body? He sucked on my tongue, drinking from me as if I was the only person who could provide him air. The train continued to pick up speed, jumping over the tracks, the thuds matching the rapid beating of my heart.

I rolled my hands up and down his back, struggling to get even closer. He sensed my hunger was off the charts, pulling away from the kiss and lifting me into the air. There was no time wasted, no preparation before he thrust his cock deep inside.

“Oh, yes. Yes…” Moaning, I nipped his lower lip, digging my teeth into the tender flesh. Every sound he made was animalistic, exposing his near desperate need. I wrapped my other leg around him, gripping his massive shoulders in my effort to hold on. This was nothing but primal fucking and I loved every second of it.

We were both panting, beads of sweat already trickling down both sides of his face. He rose onto the balls of his feet, plunging like the wild man I knew him to be. Sunlight streamed in through the window, images flashing by in a fog. I squeezed my eyes shut, the raw bliss soaring through me all I could concentrate on.

“Tight. Hot. Jesus.” His words were scattered, filtering around the way he continuously drove me against the wall.

I clung to him, digging my fingers into the flesh of his shoulders as I intertwined my feet. He wouldn’t let me fall. The weight of his body pressed against mine felt right, as if we’d always been meant to be together. I gasped for air, a series of stars rushing into my field of vision. As I tossed my head back and forth, the insanity of what we were doing became a powerful aphrodisiac.

“All mine. Every inch,” he muttered then nuzzled against my neck, his hot breath causing another wave of intense heat.

As the seconds turned into minutes, the powerful man refusing to stop, I was thrown to the edge where sanity met reality. “I’m going to come.”

“Don’t you dare.”

“I can’t hold it.” I laughed then whimpered, the brutal hammering of my heart curtailing my breathing.

“Not yet. Not… yet.”

I clamped my muscles around his cock, pulling him in even deeper. As his body tensed, he pulled his head away, his eyes completely dilated. The beast inside of him had broken through the surface, pushing him to an uncontrollable point.
