Page 34 of King of Malice

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“Come for me, beauty. Come with me.” His command was little more than a growl, the strange smile on his face dragging me closer to the precipice.

A part of me wanted to laugh, so many emotions running through me.

“I want you to say my name when you come,” he growled, yanking first one arm over my head then the other, holding my wrists together in one hand like he’d done before. I felt like I was freefalling, losing all control over my body.

“I…” I struggled in his hold, arching my back.

“Say it! Come for me.”

“Mmm…” I was right there, the swirl of sensations like a tidal wave.

He slammed my hands against the wall when I didn’t respond immediately. “Say. It. Come. Now!”

Everything about his dark voice was commanding, pushing and pulling, the teetering effect pulling at every synapse.

But there was no possibility of disobeying him. Every muscle and tendon began to twitch, the complete rush of adrenaline as an orgasm swept through me creating a wild shudder throughout my body. “Oh. Yes. Yes. Yes!” As the climax rushed into a sweltering wave, my eyes rolled in the back of my head, the roar of ecstasy so intense. “Phoenix!”

He continued to thrust, his savage actions jarring. Then every muscle in his body tensed. When he issued a loud roar, I lolled my head on his shoulder, the rapture overwhelming.

As he erupted deep inside, filling me with his seed, a strange feeling washed over me. This wasn’t just about passion. He’d meant what he said, believing I now belonged to him.

I was strangely addicted to the thought, my muddled mind incapable of separating pleasure from reality.

Even if nerves continued to sweep through my stomach.

He held me against him as we both attempted to control our breathing. The way he casually wrapped his fingers around my throat, the look of domination in his eyes as he pulled away should terrify me. Or at least make me question what was left of my rational mind. But the fire between us refused to be squelched.

Seconds later, he took a deep breath, releasing his hold.

“Mia tóso idiaíteri gynaíka,” he muttered.

“What does that mean?”

He kissed my lips gently before easing me onto my feet. “It means you’re a very special woman.” The way he touched my face with the rough pads of his open hands, and the shimmer in his eyes left me without any idea what to say. As his eyes turned into darkened pools, my face cast in the reflection, I placed my hand on his heart.

Then the train rolled over something, a hard thud that vibrated the entire cabin.

“What was that?”

He threw his head to the side, glaring out the window. “Whatever it is, I don’t like the sound of it. I’ll find out.” Backing away, he reached for his clothes, tossing me my dress.

I quickly yanked it on, darting my eyes back and forth from one side of the window to the other. There was nothing but trees for as far as the eye could see but there was a sense of urgency in his actions. I crouched down, jerking the items from the floor, shoving them into the small bag. As I stood, I accidentally pressed the screen on my phone.

The urgent text from Elizabeth sent a spiral of fear into my system.

“Stay right here,” he told me. “I mean it, Whitney. Do not leave this cabin.”

“What is going on, Phoenix?” The look on his face added to the anxiety.

As he closed the distance, I fingered my phone. He gripped my chin with his thumb and forefinger. “Whatever it is, I’ll make certain it’s not a problem.” He acted as if he was powerful enough to stop anything he didn’t like from occurring.

He left without saying anything else, leaving a dull ache inside. Then I gripped my phone, my knuckles white from the pressure. When I opened the text, I held my breath reading her words.

Phoenix Diamondis, firstborn son of Odysseus Diamondis.

Then the words with flame emojis were on both sides of two other simple words, but ones that said all I needed to know.

Open Me
