Page 35 of King of Malice

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And I did.

I should have followed my instincts.

I should have known Phoenix was a liar.

And I never should have allowed him into my heart.




The word played in my mind along with betrayal. If what I thought was happening was true, someone close had betrayed me.

Trust was rarely given, less so over the last few years. The fact I’d lowered my guard could destroy me.

That wasn’t going to happen.

Not now.

Not ever.

I yanked out my phone as I moved hurriedly through the corridor, glancing out the windows every few seconds. There was no indication anything was wrong, just the conductor slowing down after running over an object on the tracks. Possibly an animal, debris from a storm, but my instinct told me Zakaryan had made good on his presumptive threat.

“Jonas. It would appear I’m under attack.”

“What the hell? What do you want me to do?”

“Have the plane on standby.” Shit. It wouldn’t arrive for several hours, long enough to be caught in a cage. I thought about my other options, realizing I’d left myself wide open. I’d need help, which I wasn’t used to. “I’m calling in reinforcements. Just be prepared. When I return, we attack.”

“You got it.”

I ended the call, moving toward one of the conductors. “Where’s the next stop?”

“About an hour from here.”

An hour.

An hour too long. If an attack was imminent, both Whitney and I were sitting ducks. Was this about Whitney or me? “Let the engineer know there will be two passengers disembarking.”

“Yes, sir, but you’ll need to be ready to get off the train.”

“I will be.” I moved away from him toward one of the windows on the observation car, half laughing as I dialed a member of the Brotherhood. Constantine was less than an hour away. At this point, I needed all the assistance I could get. I was almost surprised the call didn’t go to voicemail, the man’s deep voice resonating in my ears.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve heard from you, friend,” Constantine said almost in passing, although he knew me well enough to realize if I was calling out of the blue, there was a considerable issue.

“I don’t have time to chat. I need your help.”

“What’s going on?”

“I think an impetuous decision will come back to bite me with the Philly Armenians. I’m on a train just leaving St. Louis. Next stop less than an hour away. Can you meet me there?”

“Yeah, find a place to hole up and let me know. If you’re being hunted by that pig, he’ll bring an army.”

“That’s what I’m afraid of.”

Constantine hissed. He was a powerful man, his regime located in Kansas City. He was also in an alliance that had proven to be worthy of the initiation into the group.
