Page 38 of King of Malice

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“Oh, I assure you that will continue to happen. I’m not finished with you yet.”

The horrible change in the man, the venom in his eyes tore through my system. I’d thought maybe I could fall hard for the brooding hunk. Instead, I was faced with a monster.

I continued fighting him, somehow managing to free myself from his grasp. Then I flew toward the door, a scream ready to escape my throat. He snagged me by the hair, immediately clamping his hand over my mouth. As he pulled me against the heat of his body, I was appalled. His hard, throbbing cock was pressed against my bottom, a sick reminder of what we’d shared.

Tears formed in my eyes, but I forced them away. I refused to allow him to see how terrified I was.

“That wasn’t a good idea, my beauty. There will be consequences for your actions. I will protect you, but you will obey my every command.” His voice was gruff, anger riddling every syllable, yet I wasn’t afraid of him. No, I was still aroused.

That was twisted, so wrong, but as he held me against him, I wanted nothing more than to melt. I moaned into his hand, still fighting him.

“You’re going to need to trust me,” he added.

Trust. Was he out of his mind?

“I’m going to let you go. Then we’re going to talk. You won’t scream or try and escape. Correct?”

I nodded, my body shaking. When he released his hand, I gasped for air. I was shivering, my mind still in slow motion as I tried to process what was really happening.

But I wasn’t the kind of girl to give in so easily.

I lurched forward a second time, managing to open the door before he caught me. There was no savage pull, no rage released. He simply pushed one massive hand against the door as he wrapped his other around my arm.

“I’m disappointed, Whitney. You’re an intelligent woman. You’re already figured out your life is in danger.”

“By you.”

“No, by those who couldn’t care less about how special you are.”

My pulse continued to increase, the hard thumping of my heart echoing in my ears. “And you do?”

“Yes, I do, which is why I’m going to teach you a lesson. Eventually, you’ll need to trust me in order to stay alive.”

The soft yet gruff words were almost comforting as he locked the door, dragging me toward the table. As he pitched me over, my thoughts spun out of control. When he ripped my dress up to my waist, I couldn’t react fast enough before he brought his palm down on one side of my buttocks.

The sharp slapping sound was jarring, the anticipation of pain jetting into my system. But there was nothing but a wave of tingles, my body betraying me with full arousal. I couldn’t move, didn’t fight back, and the realization after he issued four more hard smacks across my buttocks was blasphemous.

But the haze returned, an unworthy testimony to everything we’d shared. Even as I pressed my hands against the table in a failed attempt to get away, the part of me surrendering to his heinous actions grew stronger.

He’d fisted his hand around my hair, keeping me locked down in the surreal moment. With every brutal strike of his hand coming down on one side of my bottom then the other, my thoughts drifted to the filthy desire we’d shared. It sickened me to accept I was still enthralled by the dangerous man, accepting his punishment as if I deserved it.

“I didn’t want this to happen,” he said half under his breath.

“Yes, you did. You planned this. The seduction. The ugly possession. You don’t care about me.”

His hesitation forced a lump in my throat. “That’s where you’re wrong.”

The train continued to roll away from the city and my life flashed in front of my eyes. He continued the spanking, relentless in his harsh method of discipline. When he dared to caress my skin, I wanted to lash out like I’d done before, but the throb in my pussy had already stolen my breath. The fact I was wet, the scent of my desire floating like a wafting cloud of lust shoved my mind into a terrible place.

One of want and need.


The thought was crazy, as if I’d fallen into his trap. I cringed deep inside as the searing effects of his fingers trickled into every cell and muscle. How could I allow this?

No, how could I crave this?

With every savage crack of his hand, a portion of the intense anxiety floated away. I bit back a laugh, hating myself for the longing that remained.
