Page 39 of King of Malice

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“You need to calm down. We will get through this,” he told me.

We. As if there was a connection between us that couldn’t be broken. The man was crazy, so much so that I almost believed him.

Maybe I was the insane one.

As the pain finally started to build, I no longer had the energy to fight, still staring out the window as the vivid lights from passing buildings hypnotized me.

Yet the darkness was foreboding, a silent, powerful understanding of what I’d need to face.

A single tear slipped past my lashes, the ugly sounds of the punishment echoing in my ears. I wanted to hate him, to make a silent vow to find a way of ending his life, but a small part of me couldn’t erase what we’d shared.

When he slipped his hand between my legs, controlling me by swirling his finger around my clit, a subtle moan finally escaped my mouth.

“You’re still wet for me.” His words were strangely cathartic, his control over my body overwhelming.

“I hate you.”

“Good. That will help keep you alive.” He slowly slid his fingers down the length of my pussy before pulling his hand away. Then he eased me to a standing position. “You’re coming with me. You have no other options if you want to stay alive.”

“What did my father do to you?”

He hesitated before answering, taking the few seconds to brush his hand down the front of my dress. “Betrayed my trust. No one does that and lives.”

While I’d believed the report I’d been given, my father dying of a heart attack, the words eclipsed what I’d thought to be the truth. “You killed him. You murdered my father.”

He spun me around quickly, keeping his gaze on my eyes. “I did not. But I would have.”

His admittance was said with no emotion, as if taking a life was just a matter of business.

“You’re a horrible man.”

The way amusement crossed his face ignited another fire, this time one dripping of the need for retaliation.

“I never said otherwise, Whitney. Get your things together. We don’t have much time.”

I felt the hard pull of the train as it started to slow down. The fact he’d already arranged for us to get off the train didn’t surprise me. He’d been one step ahead of me in my blindness for the man and his… prowess. The bad taste in my mouth became intolerable.

As the conductor rounded a bend, I could see a group of buildings in the distance. If I had to guess, I’d say the phone call he’d been on had been in preparation of tossing me into the trunk of a car waiting for his arrival. “I assure you that I have friends that have the ability of keeping me safe for a very long time. I put in a call while we were out just to make certain.”

The way he cocked his head led me to believe he bought my little white lie.

“Very clever, my naughty littleomorfiá, but that won’t help you. Grab your things or you’ll be forced to spend your time with me wearing what you have on. Since you’ll be with me for an extended period of time, that could make you very uncomfortable.” He was rushing his words, constantly drifting a quick glance out the window.

He was very concerned about whatever he’d learned. Maybe I could use that to get away.

There was a strange sense of knowing that the trap I’d fallen into was a bottomless pit, a place of darkness that I’d never be able to escape from.

But I wasn’t going to go without a fight.

As soon as he took another step closer, I lunged forward again, determined to get away from him. If I could get off the train, then I might have a chance at survival.

His initial irritation at my actions was quickly replaced by a look of surprise. While he managed to grab my arms, he threw his head toward the window, the shadowed light providing a clear indication of his rage.

Then the entire train began to shift, the hard squeal of brakes permeating the space. I was pitched forward into his arms and without hesitation, he forced us to the floor, covering my body with his.

The train continued to shake, the rattle of metal horrifying. Something was wrong. Something was…

