Page 57 of King of Malice

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A predator ready to strike.

There was no mistaking his charm or the way it made me feel, even if I longed to feel disgust instead. After two minutes had passed, I couldn’t stand the silence.

“I realized you’re the one living inside a gilded cage,” I told him.

He didn’t as much as glance in my direction. “At least I have the freedom of determining what is important in my life.”

“What is? I’m curious. You told me in the beginning that family meant everything to you. Is that really the truth?”

His exhale reminded me that he was a haunted man. “Very much so. When I witnessed the destruction of Elena’s winery, the aftereffects of the police searching for what would never exist on her property, all I could think of was hunting the people responsible.”

“I’m sorry that happened. I doubt that’s what my father intended by stealing information from you.”

“Maybe not, Whitney. In truth, it’s my belief your father’s weakness was used in a vile game of its own. He had no business getting involved with the kind of people he did.”

“I can’t speak for him.”

“And I’m not asking you to. If he mailed you the information, it will be found at your condominium and brought to me.”

I turned to face him, just as indignant as before. “You sent soldiers to break into my condo?”

“It’s necessary.” When he shifted toward me, his large frame looming over mine, I reacted on frustration and the utter lack of control. I lifted my arm to strike him across the face but he caught my wrist mere inches from his face. Instantly, flames licked at my skin, searing every muscle and tendon, the transference of electricity evident by the predacious look in his eyes. “Violence doesn’t solve everything, my beauty.”

His statement made my throat tickle with laughter. I jerked my hand free, fisting my fingers. “I thought it did in your world.”

“Not always. I’m a businessman first.”

“And second?”

“A protector.”

When his features softened, some of the anger melted away. I didn’t doubt he’d lay down his life to protect me. The thought was profound. “Like I told you, I doubt he sent it there.”

“Then where?”

“I honestly don’t know. I kept everything from him.”

“But he knew you lived in Miami?”

I had to think about the question. “Yes, I’m certain he did.”

“Then anything is possible given the internet, addresses easily found. I assure you those involved in searching for what I need won’t destroy what you’ve worked hard to achieve.”

“I’ll take you at your word.”

“As I said, I’ll never lie to you. I do keep my promises.”

I wanted to believe him.

More than anything.

“What is this really about?” I asked him. “I know you don’t want this enemy of yours to get his hands on the information, but it’s very personal for you.”

“For one thing, my sister’s reputation is on the line and quite possibly her freedom. The police believe she extorted money from her own company. And they’re trying to pin a money laundering charge on her as well.”

The pain in his eyes was real. “She has nothing to do with your business, does she?”

“No. She refused. The winery is her one true love and joy.”
