Page 58 of King of Malice

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Something my father must have known. The ache inside returned, the need to help Phoenix a strangely invigorating feeling.

“Is there any news on the wreck?” I needed to ask but was fearful of the answer.

“Twenty people killed, at least a dozen with serious injuries.”

“All because of my father.” I looked away, hating the man even more. But if I’d only listened to him, maybe the outcome would be entirely different. Guilt tore through me, the kind that would never fully leave. “My fault.”

“Nothing is your fault.” He pulled my chin toward him, forcing me to look into his eyes. “But you need to be honest with me.”

“I have been, Phoenix. If I had listened to him and learned anything, I’d be happy to rid myself of it. If it’s about the money, tell me how much and I’ll pay you back one day.”

He chuckled as if what I’d said was the funniest thing in the world. “I couldn’t care less about the money. Neither does my sister. Now, come. I want to show you something, but you should wear your sandals.”

If I’d wanted even a small part of me to refuse, it wasn’t happening. Around him, seeing his lust for life from a different point of view, I was eager, excited.

A completely hot mess.

After I slid on my shoes, he led me away from the pool area into the backyard. Perhaps I was expecting him to parade me around in a fancy car, detailing his significant wealth. The fact we were walking to our destination had me intrigued. What could he possibly show me that would alter my thoughts?

Only a few minutes later I found out as he guided me into a grove of fruit trees, their foliage thick and green. “Apples.” A moment of giddiness swept through my system. I raced toward one of the trees, stretching on my tiptoes to try to grab one of the largest apples on the tree. When I couldn’t reach it, I jumped, laughing as soon as I did so.

Then I felt like a kid who’d been caught with her hand in the cookie jar, clasping my fingers across my mouth as I glanced in his direction. His smile was wide, beaming as if delighting me had brought him joy. “I guess I should ask if it’s okay if I pick one.”

“Of course it is, but I think you might need a little help.” Without hesitation, he strode toward me, lifting me high in the air. Being in his arms was catastrophic for my hatred, leaving me a muddled mess of emotions and sensations.

I felt like I was floating on clouds as he waited patiently for me to select the perfect, juiciest piece of fruit. When I plucked it from the tree, I laughed easily.

Phoenix slowly lowered me to the ground, cradling my body against him the same way he had before bathing me so tenderly.

As I took a deep breath, the luscious fragrance of the grove filled my senses, able to erase the taste of bile in my mouth. “Apples. That surprises me.”

“Then it might shock you that I overindulge on apple pie.” His grin was infectious, causing me to smile even after I’d assured myself I never would again around him.

“Not a chance,” I said as I swept my gaze down the length of him. “I doubt you overindulge on anything.’

“You don’t know my mother’s apple pie. To die for.”

I found myself laughing in spite of the horrible situation. “Very hard to believe.” I took a bite, the sweet flesh unlike any apple I’d had from a store. “Mmmm…” I grinned as beads of juice trickled from my mouth. As I swiped them from my chin, sliding my finger into my mouth, his eyes bore through me, piercing the very heart of my soul.

Gone was the earlier amusement, replaced with unbridled lust. I shivered at the way he was undressing me with his eyes, his gaze slowly falling to my feet.

“Why so difficult to believe? Do you think my family hasn’t enjoyed holidays or birthdays, weddings or afternoon picnics?”

I took another bite, chewing thoughtfully, barely able to swallow. “You’re right. That was rude of me.” I backed against the tree, studying him as he glanced from one side of the grove to the other.

“Not rude. Just uninformed. Family means everything to me. My mother is the driving force, as all women are in relationships. I knew a long time ago my father would be lost without her, his leadership stronger because she stood by his side. She made every holiday a festival, every room decorated and she did so herself.”

“That’s beautiful. I’d love to meet her one day.” I took another bite, unable to take my eyes off him.

As he walked closer, my body tensed from anticipation. “You would, would you?”


“That can be arranged.” When he crowded my space, I was forced to lift my head. “However, she might eat you alive.” His breathing labored, he slipped his index finger through another drop of juice, bringing it to his lips. The gesture was intimate, so much so I held my breath as he sucked the tip.

“Why?” I managed after a few seconds.

“She would badger you about how we met. What were your intentions. How much you cared about me.”
