Page 89 of King of Malice

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Anger resonated from every cell in Phoenix’s body. He wasn’t the kind of man who could hide his rage easily. As he paced the floor of his office, even the scent of his testosterone was stronger.

“There are no witnesses willing to come forward,” Jonas said from the other side of the room.

Phoenix didn’t bother looking in his direction.

A full two hours had gone by and other than dragging me against his chest, his hand firmly planted on the back of my head as he held me, he’d said nothing.

I’d felt his ragged heartbeat, had sensed his heightened anxiety, but he’d offered no words of thankfulness I was alive and safe, nor did he express his obvious rage.

And the silence was killing me.

I remained in the chair where he’d pointed as soon as we’d walked in, my nerves getting the better of me. What I found so strange was the moment I’d seen the disappointment in Phoenix’s eyes, sheer guilt began to riddle my system. I held the stupid tee shirt in my hand, as if he’d ever bother wearing something so garish. Yet it somehow gave me comfort, as ridiculous as that seemed to me.

Everything Elena had said to me continued to play over and over again in my mind. Somehow, the broken record never managed to make any sense of the aspects of the life he and his family led. But my heart continued to ache, the need to have him wrap his arms around me something that never left my mind completely.

When he finally stopped moving, he was in front of the window peering out at the late afternoon sky. Twilight would be settling in soon, the last vestiges of sunlight peeking through the shadows. From where I sat, I could see the lights shimmering in the pool, the water tranquil.

“Casualties?” Phoenix asked without any inflection or emotion in his voice.

“Other than the three assholes we gunned down, injuries only,” Jonas answered in the same flat tone. “All signs we were there were removed prior to the cops getting there. I sent some men searching for Zakaryan. It would appear he’s gone into hiding.”

“He knew exactly how I’d react,” Phoenix huffed. “We need to smoke the fucker out.”

“Just let me know what I need to do,” Jonas said. I could tell Phoenix’s lieutenant was just as antsy as I was, shifting from foot to foot. I was certainly no expert in mafia politics, but I had a feeling the punishment he’d receive would be severe.

I was learning more about the life than I cared to hear, but it had to be done.

Another thirty seconds passed, the larger-than-life man rubbing his jaw. I don’t why, but I was fixated on the fact Phoenix hadn’t shaved since we’d returned. His profile created a warming series of sensations crushing against the brisk ache of my conscience.

While the rebellious girl in me would normally push back hard against the silent treatment, calling his behavior childish, the fear had been palpable. More so because he hadn’t been there to save me. Maybe the entire situation was beginning to take a toll, or I was finally understanding more of what his life entailed.

Phoenix exhaled, turning slightly, his eyes shifting to a deep forest green as they pierced mine. I wanted to shy away, perhaps out of embarrassment or my own level of frustration, but every time he looked at me this way, I was mesmerized.

However, the defiant girl was starting to win the war waging inside my mind. If he didn’t open his mouth and say his piece soon, I’d be the one to start the conversation.

“What the fuck were you thinking taking her to an outdoor bistro?” he asked Elena.

“Give me a break, Phoenix. The man was crazy to attack us in a crowd.” Elena was hot, almost as much as her brother.

“Well, then,” he added, “at least with the rest of the shit I’m forced to deal with because of incompetence, I won’t need to clip the wings of police officers. I guess we can be grateful for something. Can’t we? My sister, who’s been thoroughly trained about keeping safe decided on this of all days to forget everything she learned. And I think I know why.” As he turned around, I sensed he was getting ready to explode.

I was right.

As he lunged toward Jonas, it caught Elena off guard. Phoenix was able to drive the man against the wall with enough force, several items from the bookshelf inches away crashed to the floor.

I jumped up, heading in their direction.

“Don’t,” Phoenix threw at me as he snapped his head in my direction. “This isn’t your fight.”

“Like hell it isn’t,” I retorted, shocked that Elena hadn’t already intervened.

Phoenix squeezed Jonas’ neck and the soldier did nothing but grab his attacker’s arm.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” I demanded, getting within inches.

“Don’t,” Elena repeated, as if she was her brother’s puppet.
