Page 90 of King of Malice

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“Are you out of your mind?” I exclaimed, shifting my furious gaze back and forth. “You’re killing him.”

“Perhaps he deserves to die for almost getting both you and my sister killed.”

“You’re crazy. Jonas wasn’t responsible for those goons attacking us. They came out of nowhere. You were told what happened.”

“Was I? Was I told everything, myomorfiá?”

“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” A cold shiver danced down my spine.

“I’ve been wondering why and how Zakaryan’s soldiers had advance notice of our attack. But I pushed it aside thinking I was over-processing what happened. Then out of the blue, they attack the very restaurant that was selected just this morning. There are no such things as coincidences.”

Jonas stared at him wide eyed as Phoenix squeezed his fingers, twisting his hand until the soldier’s head was pushed to the side.

Finally, Elena reacted, racing closer. “Stop it. You’re killing him.”

“Yes. With a single twist of my hand maybe I could end some problems.” I’d never heard such rage in Phoenix’s voice before. I was shocked, my own anger rising to a limit I was unaccustomed to.

“You bastard. He hasn’t betrayed you. You think everyone has. He was doing his job.”

“Then why were you allowed to get away?” he snarled.

“Get away? You make it sound like I was running, escaping you. Maybe I should have tried harder a week ago.” I stormed toward the chair, yanking the stupid tee shirt into my hands. As I shoved it in his face, he narrowed his eyes. “Here. This is what I was doing. This. So, I was stupid. I admit it. I thought I’d be safe getting you a stupid present.” The fact I was lying to him made me sick inside.

“They let you go. They defied me.”

“Bullshit!” I said, not daring to give either Jonas or Elena a look. Given Phoenix’s level of anger, I refused to give him any additional reasons to make good on his threat. When he didn’t respond, I tossed the shirt in his face. I didn’t have their obligation to maintain respect at all times. Fuck that. “I told Elena I was going to the bathroom then disappeared into the crowd when I had the chance. I deceivedthem. If there’s anyone you should be angry with, it’s me. Jonas didn’t say a word to anyone. I was in the backseat, remember? I would have known if he’d contacted anyone, but he didn’t. Elena decided where we were going on the way. Stop it, Phoenix. Just stop it. If you need to punish someone, then punish me.”

The thick wave of silence returned, my skin prickling from the intense look on his face. Phoenix took a deep breath, slowly turning his head toward Elena. “Is that true?”

She dragged her tongue across her lips, unable to keep from throwing me a quick look. “Yes. I didn’t want to say anything against Whitney. She was only trying to bring you some joy, which God knows you need in your life.” She lowered her head as if ashamed.

I breathed a sigh of relief.

It took a few seconds for Phoenix to release his hold, backing away then raking both hands through his hair. His anger continued to vibrate throughout the room. He turned away as if disgusted, heading toward the bar. I watched as he pulled a crystal tumbler from the shelf, methodically placing two ice cubes in the bottom before reaching for the bottle of bourbon.

Jonas slumped against the wall, rubbing his neck as he coughed several times. Elena lifted her head, miming ‘thank you.’

“Get the fuck out of here, both of you. Whitney, you will stay here.” Phoenix’s command was gruff, and he made the demand without looking in my direction again.

“I didn’t betray you, Phoenix. Somewhere in the back of your mind you know that. I will fucking find out who it is. And when I do, I’ll bring them to you on a goddamn silver platter lined with blood.” Jonas stormed out, Elena hesitating, her eyes pinned on me.

I nodded toward the door, giving her an encouraging smile. Whatever he was going to do to me I’d take, no matter the punishment. Then he would tell me what happened in his past that made him so distrusting and bitter.

Elena closed the door behind her, but I continued feeling her anger. They were both hotheaded.

The fury I felt made me sick inside, my stomach churning. With a drink in his hand, he returned to his perch by the window, but I could swear the glass was already fogging from the steam oozing from every muscle.

“Why are you so angry?” I asked for no other reason than to get the brooding man to talk.

“Why?” He snorted as he swirled his drink, finally laughing as if I’d just told the perfect joke. “Why don’t we try the fact you didn’t follow the single rule. Don’t go off on your own. That’s one thing, Whitney. How about the fact I can’t trust my lieutenant? I should have put a bullet in his head. I might do that after I’m finished with you. Then there’s the fact I know my sister. The reason those guards were so fucking distracted was because she was flirting, acting as if we aren’t the middle of freaking war. That’s why.”

After a few seconds, I walked closer. “Are you finished with your tantrum?” I folded my arms right in front of him, waiting for him to explode.

He almost did, glaring at me with such rage on his face that I almost didn’t recognize him. Then his face softened, and he was the one who looked away. “Rules are imposed for a reason.”

“Tell me the real reason. I need to know. Tell me why you’re so angry right now. I know it’s mostly directed at me, but you wouldn’t dare take out your rage on me. Why? Ask yourself that question.”

“Stop it, Whitney. You’re not charged with keeping everyone alive and safe.”
