Page 17 of Required Surrender

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The flash of carnal desire was instant, as if the shock of my request was far too tempting. “Does that mean you’ve enjoyed the art of BDSM before?” he asked, a hint of amusement in his voice.

I started to say yes, but I had a feeling he’d see right through my lie. “No, but I enjoy learning new things.” That wasn’t a lie. I always had, although the thought of anything remotely close to kinky sex was terrifying. It was also appealing in a way that I couldn’t comprehend.

“Hmmm…” Now he walked away, rubbing the scruff covering his angular jaw. “Learning new things. That requires following rules. I have the distinct feeling you have difficulty doing that.”

His gruff voice was already irritating. “I’m required to follow the letter of the law every day, Mr. McKenzie. That’s because I believe in right and wrong. From what I’ve heard about you, I’m not certain you could say the same thing.”

While during the morning incident his eyes had flashed frustration along with his amusement, now they were pools of darkness and anger. I’d struck a nerve. I was shocked how they pulled me in, and for a brief second, I was able to catch a glimpse of his icy cold soul.

“I’m curious. Can you afford the initiation fee?” he asked, the dominating tone in his voice continuing.

“Absolutely. What is it?” Why were my knees shaking?

“Five hundred thousand.”

Holy crap. I hadn’t realized I’d walked into a lion’s den. “Do you accept installment payments?”

His nostrils flared just before he took a deep breath. “That can be arranged.”

“Then I should be allowed to see the facility.”

The way he was leaning against his desk was unnerving, pushing certain boundaries that left me extremely uncomfortable.

“Lark, while I understand you’re not familiar with aspects of this club or any other, you’ll need to learn and accept the rules for there to be a consideration of membership.”

“Such as?”

“When you’re addressed by a single member of the club, you will bow your head in reverence. When you’re in my presence, you will always be on your knees.”

The man was out of his mind. He was staring at me again, remaining quiet as if I was supposed to comply.

“On your knees,” he commanded, realizing I needed reiteration.

The sensation of butterflies had quickly shifted into a feeling of nausea, but without warning, I found myself complying, slowly dropping to the floor. My body was swaying from the act, my cheeks flushed with a continuously building heat.Get up. Get up!But I couldn’t.

“Much better. Lower your head.”


“You do not speak unless allowed. Lower. Your. Head.”

My God. I was obeying the man without hesitation. Yes, he was much older than I was, but I’d never been the kind of girl to follow authority figures easily, including my own father. Although I wasn’t given much of a choice growing up, my father a commanding force. But as I lowered my head, another gentle yet powerful wave of tickling sensations coursed through me. This felt oddly freeing. What now? I’d never felt like such a bad little girl in my life, the need for absolution unnerving.

He walked closer, his intoxicating scent stealing my breath. When he gripped my jaw, I was momentarily lost in a sea of fluffy clouds, uncertain how or if I was supposed to respond. His hold was firm, his fingers squeezing with enough force a hint of pain skittered into my system.

“That’s better.” He lifted my chin, forcing me to look into his eyes. My dramatic mind had expected to see the obsidian black eyes of the devil himself. Instead, there was a touch of approval in his shimmering green pools.

“Thank you, sir.” What was I doing?

“I’ll provide you with a tour under one condition.”

“That is?” I asked, my tone as rebellious as before. When he tightened his hold, my stomach did flipflops. “Sir?”

“That you accept punishment for your bad behavior earlier.”

“Punishment?” I wanted to launch into him again. He was unnerving, but I couldn’t seem to put an end to the charade. “How?”

“A hard spanking over my desk.”
