Page 31 of Required Surrender

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“Commanding people you don’t even know.” The corridor was crowded, eyes watching our every move. Jackie had been right. We’d now been elevated to the status of a celebrity couple, if only for a typical fifteen minutes of fame.

He smiled genuinely, not the quirky holier-than-thou look I’d gotten several times. “It’s not something I try.”

“Domination comes naturally to you.”

“Yes, and that’s something you’ll soon start to learn. I’m going to take the time to explain the rules to you so there’s no chance of misunderstanding.”

He lowered his head, his lips dangerously close to mine, so much so that the memory of when he had kissed me filtering into my mind. As much as I didn’t want it to, I was thrown into a haze of lust. “Okay. You do that.” That certainly didn’t mean I’d follow them.

“Not okay or sure or fine. It’s yes, sir and no, sir. Do you understand?”

I gritted my teeth, trying to keep from lashing out. “Yes. Sir.”

“Excellent. During the time you spend with me, you will follow my command without question. Yes?”

“Why, yes. Sir.” I couldn’t wait for the week to be over with. When it was, perhaps I’d find a creative way of destroying him.

Lachlan raked his eyes down my face, taking a deep breath. “It’s time for us to leave.”

“Now?” I asked, incredulous that he’d think I could just drop everything and run.


“Wait a freaking minute. Where am I going? I demand you tell me.”

The man’s aftershave was entirely too intoxicating, musk and citrus colliding with a forest after a spring rain. When he reached out, trailing his index finger along my jaw, I was completely frozen to the spot, peering at him as if I was a lost waif in need of being provided with instructions.

“You’re in no position to demand anything. You’ll go wherever I say.” His eyes twinkled as he grinned. I wanted nothing more than to wipe it off his face with my fist.

“You’re serious about a solid week?”

“I am. I meant what I said. The money has already been wired to the charity in question,” he said with such authority. A single click of an app and he’d spent five million dollars. How much money did the man make with his sex club?

“I have work. I can’t just take a week off.” Now I was befuddled, uncertain how to handle this. “I’m the maid of honor in my friend’s wedding on Saturday. I’m certain you won’t want to go.” The challenge made me feel better. I doubted the man would be caught dead at a wedding.

“I arranged your leave of absence with Trent, at least for a portion of the time we will spend together. I’ll also enjoy being your date for the wedding.” His counter was followed by a brief smile, his eyes twinkling as if to challenge me in return.

I shook my head, grinding my teeth. “That’s not possible.”

“Which one?”

“Well, I have a new client. Mr. Abbot wouldn’t agree so readily. And I have no intentions of dating you. Ever.”

His laugh irritated me even more.

“The trial for the man in question is at least four months away. You will have plenty of time to try and defend the cockroach. If that’s possible. As far as dating, I guess we’ll see how you feel at the end of the week.”

The audacity of this man was incredible. He knew about the case I was working on? God. His assumption that I’d want to have anything to do with him after this terrible week boosted my hatred. He wasn’t just used to getting what he wanted. He took it when necessary. Not me. Not this girl.

Of course he’d know all about the horrific case. The girl who’d been killed had been involved in the BDSM scene. The investigative side of me slipped into gear. Maybe I could learn something that would help the case. If I could tolerate his arrogance. He crowded my space even more and I was forced to take a deep breath. Everything about the man screamed of possession.

I shook my head until he dropped his, his hot breath skipping across my face. I was caught off guard, my panties already damp and I’d only been around him for a few minutes. I was totally thrown by his prowess. His aftershave now seemed overwhelming, and I wanted to swim in it, basking in the undertones and richness. That threw me even more. “So I’m staying with you.”

“You are.”

“I need clothes, Lachlan.”

“No, you won’t.” He held up his index finger, taking his sweet time to place it across my lips. “Not unless I say it’s allowed.”
