Page 34 of Required Surrender

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My beautiful guest was growing more uncomfortable and irritated by the moment. “I think I can squeeze in some time. I’ll just lock Lark in a cage for a few hours.”

“If you dare think you’re going to lock me in a cage, I’ll cut your balls off,” she threw out. I knew she meant every word.

All I could do was grin evilly. “I’ll see you tomorrow. And don’t make any promises to Dumas.”

“Don’t worry. I had no plans on doing so. Perhaps I’ll get to meet you while I’m there, Lark. The fact my good friend is allowing you into the sanctuary he calls his private life is highly unusual. You must be a special woman.”

“He means nothing to me.”

Jameson laughed and I could only imagine the shit-eating grin on his face.

“Incidentally, I think we should consider taking a field trip to Club Darkness,” I told him.

“Mmm… you’re taking Anastasia’s fears seriously.”

“I’m curious what changes they’ve made.”

“Then we’ll add it to our list of must do’s. I could use some relaxation anyway.”

“Uh-huh.” Jameson almost never participated in any acts of kink since he’d lost his special someone. “I’ll believe it when I see it.”

After ending the call, I anticipated another barrage of hateful words or questions, grilling me about my terrible club, but she remained quiet. So much so I was almost worried about her.

As I headed down the street where the rival club was located, I glanced in her direction again, able to see tears in her eyes. What the fuck?

“Do not show disobedience in front of anyone ever again, Lark. That will result in swift punishment.”

Her jaw clenched and she nodded at first, looking down at her lap. “O-kay. I mean yes, sir.” Just like that, whatever the moment of sadness had been was gone.

“Good,” I said, watching her fidgety movements. While I needed to be stern with her, she was struggling with this more than I was used to. Women who played at the club were compliant, eager. This was new territory for me. “So you know, Jameson’s not a bad guy. We kid around a lot, but he means well. He’s the salt of the earth where I’m fire and ice.”

“It’s not that, Lachlan. I was just reminded how much of an asshole my father can be. He bullies people to get what he wants. I might not understand the attraction to clubs like yours, but Satanism? That’s insane.”

“Your father took an instant dislike to us. I’m not certain why.”

“Because he fashions himself to be a holier than thou man when he’s hiding beneath several layers of bullshit.” Instantly, she shook her head. “Forget I said that.”

She already knew her father was a treacherous pig, which made her position at the law firm likely arranged.

“Your secret is safe with me. So you know, it’s my belief that there isn’t a human being alive who doesn’t have a skeleton or two hiding in their closet.” She stared at the window as we passed Club Darkness. I could swear she was shivering, but not out of fear.

She tipped her head in my direction. “What’s yours?”

“You’ll need to play nice with me to find that out.” Once she did, she’d feel vindicated about her hatred of me.

“Play nice. Why, yes, sir.” The corners of her mouth were turned up. At least some of her rebellious attitude had returned.

For her to be shedding a tear or two meant there was more to the story, but I wasn’t the guy she’d want to tell her troubles to. Hell, I had my own to deal with. As I turned onto the street where I lived, I squeezed my hand around the steering wheel, still asking myself why I was taking her to my home in the first place. Why not a hotel? Why not back to my club?

While I wasn’t known for indulging in my fantasies at the club, that certainly didn’t mean I hadn’t before. Another unwanted memory surfaced, forcing me to take a deep breath. Maybe I was trying to be a good guy and introduce her into the lifestyle slowly.

Nah. I was still an asshole.

The outside lights were on, including the twinkling ones in the trees. My housekeeper insisted that every time I came home, I needed a reminder that there would always be light to the darkness.

Lark leaned forward, staring out the windshield. “This is beautiful. I’m surprised.”

“What did you expect?”
