Page 39 of Required Surrender

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“That I’ll want this.”

“This…” While he repeated what I’d said, he didn’t try to put words into my mouth When he returned to a standing position, I clamped my hands together.

He pressed his hand against the small of my back, the action tender yet demanding. When he peeled down my thong, dragging the soft silk to my knees, I pushed up from the table.

“The lifestyle isn’t for everyone, Lark, but there’s no pressure to continue after our time together has ended.”

Perhaps he was doing his best to continue comforting me. That didn’t change the way I felt, the fear that had the potential of becoming crippling.

“For every infraction, there will be a point of discipline. Keep your arms over your head.” He brought his hand down and I almost started to laugh out of nervousness. Evidently, I did without knowing given the huge sigh I heard.

I wiggled on the table, surprised that I felt no pain from the single smack. After almost bringing my arms down, I stopped short, wanting to obey him. How was that possible? When he cracked the palm of his hand from one side to the other several times, I was finally jarred into feeling the pain. I never would have thought the use of a hand could create hints of absolute anguish.

However, he did have a massive hand. Within seconds, fire tore through me and it had nothing to do with desire. My bottom ached, his smacks becoming more brutal.

“Stop. I’m sorry. I really am.”

“While an apology is nice, Lark, that’s not what I’m hoping to get out of your punishment. I want you to consider your actions in the future.” Without hesitation, he resumed the spanking, using a perfect rhythm in doing so.

I jerked up twice, gasping for air, only to have him pushing me back to the table. I eyed the colorful balls that were only a few inches away, wondering whether my aim would be good enough to pop him in the head.

At least it allowed me to smile until he issued six more, ones so hard they took my breath away. When he stopped, I was ready to launch myself off the table, but he had other things in mind. He brushed the rough pads of his fingers down my spine, rolling then along the crack of my ass before caressing first one side of my bruised bottom then the other.

I bit my lower lip to keep from making a single sound, but there was nothing I could do to hide my excitement. My inner thighs were wet, slickened from his touch, his kiss, and the anticipation of more.

“It will be a pleasure to take you on a journey.” He seemed genuine, although I remained wary of him. When he spread my legs even wider, I sucked in my breath. “You’re very wet.”

Did he expect me to answer him? I nodded, uncertain, wanting the round of discipline to be over with. I wasn’t good with pain.

When he plunged his fingers inside, it was as if he was testing his theory. The sound of what he was doing, the way my juice had slickened his long digits was evocative. I was thrown into a wave of pleasure, but it only lasted for a few seconds before his pulled his hand away, immediately bringing down another four brutal smacks.

“You’ll learn to obey me. I think I know you well enough to believe you don’t want to disappoint me.”

I shivered as soon as he made the statement, shocked at my reaction. I gasped for air, fighting my urge to rake my nails through the pricey red felt on his man cave toy. I hated my conflicting emotions.

And the tears forming in my eyes.

They had nothing to do with being unable to handle the anguish and humiliation. The tears were ones of frustration that this man and no other had seen right through my carefully crafted façade. When he rolled me over, I quickly wiped my eyes, but I could tell he’d caught a glimpse. I was mortified that as a grown woman, I was crying.

I expected condemnation in his eyes, but they reflected something else entirely different.


And anger, but not directed toward me.

“Who hurt you?”

God. This man could throw me like no other. It was impossible to hate him, which is what I’d been determined to do.

“It doesn’t matter.”

“It does to me.” He reeked of possessiveness.

Lachlan rolled his hand down the inside of one leg, dragging my panties with him. His eyes never left me, the smirk on his face full of explosive heat as he gingerly removed one stiletto then the other, the thong disappearing into his pocket. He scooted me into the center of the table, lifting my legs and opening them wide. When he planted my feet on the thick wooden trim, I flailed my arms before crossing them over my breasts.

“Do not cover yourself. Ever. I need to see all of you.”

I shuddered all over again from the sound of his voice, the tone oozing from his plump lips igniting lust. The man was hot as hell, so much in control that my stomach ached. Mostly because what he was doing felt natural, almost right. It was almost as if I could let my guard down, which was crazy. I chewed on my bottom lip, still nervous around the larger-than-life man.
