Page 47 of Required Surrender

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“That he was the perfect male specimen and I expected you two would get married.”

I rolled my eyes, enjoying the camaraderie more than I’d thought I would. “He’s a playboy.”

“He hasn’t been with anybody for years. I think that’s because of the incident at the club, but I can’t be certain.”

“What incident?”

Jackie paled. “You didn’t know.”

“Know what?”

“He didn’t tell you?” She hid behind her wine.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about so spill it.”

This time, she glanced over her shoulder before leaning further across the table. “I don’t know any real details and I don’t think you’ll be able to find them. You wondered why Lachlan would need a criminal attorney. I did a little snooping. No, he doesn’t have a criminal record so don’t give me that look.”

“Then what?”

“Something happened a few years ago inside Carnal Sins. The records are on lockdown in the office. Mr. Abbot and one other attorney have access. Braxton Smith?”

I’d barely talked to Braxton, an attorney who’d been with the firm for years, but he was the man Lachlan had had an argument with.

“Then how do you know it’s because of some incident at the club?”

She looked sheepish. Jackie would most likely have ‘bloodhound’ on her tombstone.

“I was shredding papers this morning and whoever was in the copy room before accidentally allowed a sheet to slide past the bin onto the floor. A few scribbled notes. There was a police investigation, but no charges filed. But I find it interesting that Lachlan suddenly appeared in our offices out of the blue.”

“What are you insinuating?”

The way she drummed her fingers on the table was just as unnerving as the situation. “Maybe I’m jumping to conclusions but wasn’t that about the time of the first report of that girl’s murder? You know, the case you were assigned?”

I shifted back in my seat. “You read over my notes.”

“Of course I did.”

“For an office manager, you’re awfully forward.”

“I take care of all problems. Remember?” she tossed out, winking afterward.

“I’m confused. Are you trying to marry me off or warn me about the man?”

She shrugged. “If there’s nothing to it then marry him and have a dozen babies. If there’s any connection, then…”

“I should run far away.” I took a few sips of my wine, wondering if the sadness I’d seen in his eyes had anything to do with the incident that might or might not have occurred. “Speaking of my case. Did you bring the information I asked?”

“You’re really staying at his place?”

“I am. For now, anyway.”

She pulled an envelope from her purse, sliding it across the table. “By the way, your client already called this morning. Three times.”

“Please tell me Trent handled it.”

“Oh, he did, but I could tell by Mr. Abbot’s pissed-off mood and the way he slammed his office door the calls didn’t go well. You might need to contact Mr. Davidson at some point. Just my opinion.”

“Maybe. But not now.” I honestly wanted nothing to do with the case. In fact, I was more than a little concerned the case might be jaded from the start, my relationship with Lachlan considered a conflict of interest. Mr. Davidson was a member of the club. While the victim hadn’t been killed inside Carnal Sins, the gray area was concerning. Maybe I needed to confirm with Trent whether or not I should back away. “Did Trent know you were bringing me the documents?”
