Page 5 of Required Surrender

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Okay, so his freshly fucked hair and piercing eyes that somehow managed to undress me without any exertion were enticing. However, I wasn’t fooled that easily. I’d heard enough stories to know he was difficult to work with, challenging to be around. He had a trueje ne sais quoiabout him that resonated in his devil-may-care attitude. It was appealing in a savage kind of way, but it certainly fit his persona.

Maybe I was riding him too hard. I didn’t know him after all. Another delicious vision tickled the back of my mind. I was shackled and spread wide open, Lachlan driving his cock deep inside my aching pussy.

What the hell was wrong with me? Maybe I was crushing on him because I looked particularly frumpy today. My father would say I’d been born an average girl. He’d even encouraged me to use my brain because my body wasn’t going to do anything valuable in my life. They were words I’d take to my grave. Maybe that’s why my fantasies had always been more blissful than real life.

I took a deep breath, shocked at the imagery as it slowly started to fade. I’d had multiple fantasies before but none so vivid or, in my mind at this point, so disgusting. How could I be fantasizing while standing in front of him? I tilted my head, driving the rest of the horrid vision away.

A solid hit of reality slammed me between the eyes, the look in his carnal, as if he wanted to devour me alive. For a few seconds we were locked in a private moment. There was no one else in the busy coffee shop, no one watching the trainwreck.

Then he had to go and ruin it all, a snarl erupting from his luscious lips within seconds as he stared down at his ruined white shirt. He’d thrown his arms out as if I planned on tossing another cup in his direction. After the morning I’d experienced, it wasn’t a bad idea.

Blinking, I was shocked my nipples ached and there was no doubt the scent of my desire mixed with the dash of hazelnut coffee.

“It would seem you’re the one who has issue paying any attention. You’re clumsy and need to learn how to behave,” Lachlan snapped, his husky Scottish accent tickling my senses, as if a warm cashmere blanket has been gently wrapped around my naked body.

I needed to learn how to behave? Was he kidding me?

“What does that mean?” I challenged.

“It means that you should watch where you’re going in a crowded establishment, and be more aware of your surroundings instead of caught up in your little world. I’m certain whatever it is you’re running off to is much more important. Right?” His tone was seductive, smooth, and rich.

It took everything I had not to smack the smug look off his face. However, I wasn’t in the mood to add arrest for assault and battery to the day’s shitty festivities.

He continued to stare at the stain as if I was going to clean it up for him or maybe bow at his feet, pleading like the little pet in my fantasy. Fuck fantasies. From now on, I was reading horror stories instead of romances. Nasty visions of grabbing two cups of scalding coffee, tossing them as I laughed entered my mind. Instead, I handed him a stack of napkins. “Here.”

At this point, I only hoped he didn’t recognize me from my office.

Or was a mind reader.

“You need to apologize,” he demanded a few seconds later. He patted his shirt then gave me a harsh glare. I could tell there was no recognition in his eyes whatsoever. I was just another woman who’d given him trouble on a glorious sunny Friday.

“It was an accident. I didn’t do it on purpose.”

“Hmmm… I’m beginning to wonder.”

“My God. You’re an arrogant asshole.” By now, we had an audience, people eager to see a sporting event in the usually peaceful store. “Do you really think you’re God’s gift to women?”

He grinned and I could swear his teeth were used for marketing purposes for dentists everywhere. How could a man so toxic be so insanely good looking? Maybe when God made man, he could only check four of the five boxes and ‘manners’ was left unmarked.

“You’d be surprised what I’m like in bed. But that only comes for good little girls who follow the rules.”

I wanted to be horrified but his barb just threw gasoline onto my enraged fire. I moved closer, popping my hand on my hip, tilting my head so I was able to look him directly in his hard, cold eyes. “Listen up, buster. I’ve had a shitty morning, something you probably wouldn’t know about. I’m certain you have a staff at your house, in your office, and likely a driver to do your bidding. I’m sure all your days are filled with sunshine and unicorns.”

There was a distinctly different look crossing his face. It was likely the powerful man had never been challenged.

When at least four people clapped in appreciation of my bold, albeit stupid vomit of the mouth, his entire body tensed. “Apologize.”

“I repeat. It was an accident.”

“That’s why an apology is in order.” He narrowed his eyes, and it was difficult not to stare at the dimple that appeared every time he clenched his strong jaw.

While I’d been taught never to stereotype anyone without just cause, with him it was easy. He was a billionaire with an attitude to go with his tailored wardrobe. He could certainly afford a new shirt.

I refused to feel guilty.

“Gee. I’m sorry. Maybe if you were a lot nicer to people then karma wouldn’t bite your ass.” I knew I was risking the possibility he’d figure out who I was, demanding I was fired, even though to him as a junior attorney, I was nothing but a peon in his world. Still, it was worth the consequences to see the expression of anger drifting across his gorgeous face.

With that, I tossed the empty cup into the trash and left him standing with an incredulous look on his face, still clutching the soiled napkins. Just as I reached the door, I threw him a look over my shoulder, giving him what my mama called the butter-wouldn’t-melt-in-my-mouth plastic smile. “Oh, yes. Where are my manners? Have a nice afternoon.”
