Page 50 of Required Surrender

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“I’m not certain other than the police have already contacted me regarding the murder. I managed to push them off. However, I can guarantee Winston has already checked with his sources, determined to find as much dirt on our corporation as possible given Davidson was a member and brought his submissive to the club a couple of times.”

“And you egging him on by buying his daughter only fueled the fire already stoked up his ass.” Grant gave me a hard look.

I rolled the glass between my fingers. “He certainly won’t be sending me any Christmas cards. That’s for certain.” I debated telling them the additional bad news. “To make matters worse, Lark is defending Davidson.”

The room suddenly became very quiet. Finally, Grant grumbled under his breath.

“Just say it,” I demanded.

The two of them remained silent, staring at each other to avoid the elephant in the room.

“Fine,” I said. “I’ll say it if you won’t. You’re worried this will shove me to the brink of sanity again because of Morgan. Right?”

I hadn’t as much as whispered her name in years. The relationship had been tumultuous, the wild child in her pushing every button.

Jameson cleared his throat. “Wouldn’t Ms. Winston’s involvement be considered a conflict of interest?”

“I’m not sure.” And I wasn’t. Trent certainly didn’t seem concerned when I’d managed to get her some time away.

“I think that’s something you need to talk to Lark about.” Grant lifted his head, locking his eyes with mine.

“It’s none of my business.” My snap was harsher than usual, which meant Pandora’s Box was already cracked.

“I’m no attorney, but it’s quite possible Ms. Winston will be forced to ask you some difficult questions to try and exonerate her client.”

“One has nothing to do with the other.” I threw back more of my drink, fisting the glass with enough pressure I was certain it would crack.

Before either one of them had a chance to continue challenging me, I noticed Anastasia sliding into the room. The woman had to be a walking zombie from the hours she worked. She also had no real knowledge of events of my past and that’s the way I wanted to keep it. “Did you find the information I was looking for?”

“I did but you’re not going to like it,” she said with a wry smile on her face.

“I asked our illustrious workaholic to run a check on the woman Davidson brought with him,” I told the others. “The one murdered.”

“And?” Grant’s interest was piqued.

“Claire Kenwright was the oldest daughter of a Wisconsin senator. She attended Georgetown University.”

“Isn’t Davidson like sixty years old?” Jameson asked, his question making all three of us laugh.

“Do you know how expensive Georgetown is?” Anastasia asked. “I double checked Senator Kenwright’s bank account and his salary history. He’s barely making ends meet with the lavish lifestyle he’s grown accustomed to. Meanwhile, Claire has student loans up the yin-yang. Or I should say had. However, her bank account had almost thirty thousand dollars between two accounts. Recent deposits, I might add.”

Jameson snickered. “Who needs the detectives when you have girl Friday over here snooping around.”

She shot him a hateful look. “I need to protect the three of you since you won’t do it yourselves.”

“Claire got herself a sugar daddy.”

Chuckling, I took a pull of my drink, thinking about the mess I felt we were slipping into. No, that I was leaping into. “Anything else worth mentioning?”

Anastasia lifted a single eyebrow. “That’s not necessarily true about Davidson being her sugar daddy. It would appear Claire worked for a very upscale escort service. The kind that caters to the rich and famous.”

“Certainly, the police know this,” Grant added.

“There’s nothing in the news about it and she did try to keep her private life a secret.” Anastasia said as she looked from one to the other. “No real names are used, although that’s a joke in today’s society and with the clients the service caters to. It’s possible she hid that part of her life well enough the police haven’t made a connection.”

“Interesting,” I said, rubbing my jaw, although certainly not unheard of. DC had some of the finest escort services in the country. “The name of this illustrious service?”

“Elite Entertainment.”
