Page 6 of Required Surrender

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“You did what?” Jackie Sloan asked, although her voice was shrill, her tone accusatory.

I tossed my purse onto my desk, rolling my eyes. “I might have tossed a cup of hot coffee on Mr. Know-it-all McKenzie before berating him for his ugly behavior inside this office.”

The pain behind my temples would not go away and the reason had everything to do with Lachlan Pain-in-the-ass McKenzie. I’d never had such an adverse reaction to a man in my entire life, including my ex after I’d dumped his clothes and golf bag onto the street with a sign attached saying ‘free to a good home.’ At least the naughty event had given me some satisfaction.

The only thing that would have given me satisfaction with Lachlan would have been if I’d tossed another cup of coffee in his face.

She gawked as if I’d grown two heads. While Jackie wasn’t known for keeping her mouth shut when something irritated her, I sensed I’d not only shocked her, I’d also definitely put my foot in my mouth.


The day was getting better and better.

“Don’t look at me that way. He’s an asshole. He’s obviously a criminal since he needs an attorney from this firm.”

“You have no idea what the argument was about. It could have been personal for all you know. I will tell you this. You have… balls. Or at least you would if you were a man.” She whistled and folded her arms, giving me her famous oh-my-God look.

“He deserved it. Not the scalding coffee part, although…” I fluffed my hair and thumped down on my chair, befuddled enough I wasn’t certain who my next client was.

“You’re just pissed about Michael.”

I glared at her. She’d endured my late-night, alcohol-infused midnight phone call only hours before, listening to my rant for fifteen minutes before telling me in no uncertain terms that Michael was a dick.

I’d used several other colorful words to describe him. “I have a right to be. He destroyed me.”

“Oh, bullshit,” she hissed then threw a look over her shoulder. “You were bored with him. You told me so fifty times if not more. He did you a favor.”

“Favor?” Maybe so, but that didn’t mean I wasn’t having thoughts about sticking an icepick into his twitching right eye. He’d had the nerve to tell me it wasn’t what it seemed to be. Right.

“Do you know what I think?”

I made a face, seeing the wicked expression she wore. “Be careful. I’m on a roll today.”

She held her hands in front of me, placing her two fingers in a cross like I was a vampire, laughing the entire time. “I think you have a crush on the very sexy Lachlan McKenzie. He’s entirely different from your ex with the limp dick.”

My reflex was quicker than hers. I tossed my mostly empty bottle of water at her. “Keep your voice down and hell, no. I’m not into narcissistic, sadistic men, thank you very much.”

She laughed and wagged her finger. “Me thinks you doth protest too much. He’s hot and single. What’s wrong with that?”

“Now, you sound like my mother. She’s ready to buy me a husband.” Not that she or my father had taken a liking to Michael. Now my father had the perfect opportunity to persuade some boring lawyer to marry me. My days were getting better and better.

“Hmmm… Isn’t it going to be the other way around at the auction on Sunday?” she teased.

“Thank you for the reminder. My day just dropped into the toilet.” Why in God’s name were the event coordinators having the lavish charity auction on a Sunday?

“O-kay then. Well, Ms. Balls, perhaps this is the best time to remind you where we’re going for Betsy’s bachelorette party tonight.” Her singsong voice was far too glib, her expression as if she knew a secret.

While I hadn’t forgotten about the festive last chance playtime, I’d done everything I could to shove it out of my mind. “Where again?”

“Carnal Sins. The club that happens to be owned by one badass Lachlan McKenzie?” She took a step back, acting as if she was ready to defend herself.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

The news hit me hard, like a ton of bricks. I’d forgotten all about the location. Was it possible my luck was so bad that I’d run into him there? Yes, it was. “I’ve come down with the flu.”
