Page 17 of Cruelest Vow

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She couldn’t learn of my existence until it was absolutely necessary.

I led her to my Harley in the dimly lit garage. That’s when she finally pulled away, staring at the steel beast with her mouth twisted. Was she thinking about the filthy things I was going to do to her? Was she worried that I had malintent in mind? Then she’d be right.

“I can’t… The bike, I mean. My skirt.”

I shifted my gaze to her waist and further down, my nostrils flaring as her scent wrapped around my heart.

“Yes, you can. And you will.” I handed her my helmet, pointing to the seat.

She was more nervous than before, chewing on her lower lip as she contemplated how she was going to manage what I’d commanded. Her courage was astounding, the fact she was ready to take a significant risk as surprising as my reaction to her.

After throwing me a look she hiked up her skirt and straddled the bike, slowly placing the helmet over her head. Her long curls called to me. I wanted to tangle my fingers in them, experiencing their softness for the first time. I’d dreamed of the simple pleasures, coveting them since they’d been taken away. Now I’d get my chance.

The savage inside of me was ill equipped to remain patient. I was the kind of man to take what he wanted no matter the price, but with her, waiting would be worth it. When she was finally settled, I climbed onto the Harley, the first thing I’d purchased after arriving in this godforsaken country.

As I turned over the engine, I felt her stiffen. I threw a look over my shoulder, waiting as she closed her eyes then wrapped her arms around me. The closeness was almost too much, my mind processing images that I’d refused to allow to control me. Now the desire to control and condemn her at the same time was conflicting.

I pulled out of the garage onto the busy street, heading for the hotel that was my temporary residence. Dealing with her should be easy, but everything in my life had just become complicated.

Because of her.

Because of my burning desire.

Because of my need to possess her.

As the vibrations of the bike matched the rapid beating of my heart, I realized none of this was going to be tranquil. Not seducing her. Not lying to her.

And certainly not protecting her against fools hellbent on destroying her.

I was nothing but a brutal soldier in a vicious war, but I would come out the victor.




That’s what this was all about.

Pure. Unbridled. Sex.

What was I doing?

I was strangled by my impetuous decision. I was also more excited than I’d been in a long time. Being on the back of a motorcycle, my arms wrapped around a man I’d never met was without a doubt the most reckless thing I’d ever done in my life. It was almost as if I had a death wish, but for some crazy reason I sensed he wasn’t going to hurt or kill me.

Then again, my decision to come with him had been based on my raging libido instead of my rational mind. The fact he’d handed me the only helmet meant he hadn’t planned on picking up anyone at the bar. That should be comforting other than he’d already driven far enough away from the bar that it remained suspicious. Sure, Death and Company was a hot destination but there were plenty of those in the city of lights.

The roar of the engine, the constant vibrations were intoxicating enough without having my face pressed against his sturdy back. The musky intensity of his natural scent had become a mild sedative, keeping me from experiencing fear like I knew I should. Plus, having my arms around him, my hands dangerously close to the thick bulge between his legs had already ignited a raging fire.

My skirt was riding up, my skin flushed at the thought of what onlookers could see, but the rush of air as he weaved his way through heavy traffic was far too exhilarating. My mind raced with all the possibilities of where he was taking me. Butterflies were churning in my stomach. While what I was about to do was completely insane, the carnal need to have his heated body pressed against mine was too significant to ignore.

I kept my eyes closed, unable to stop shaking. The light jacket I’d worn couldn’t keep me warm, but the heat he exuded provided unexpected steam. He was so beautiful that my mind was still blown. But my mother had once told me that the more beautiful the man, the more dangerous.

I was suddenly reminded that I’d rarely taken my mother’s advice.

Seconds later, I was aware he’d slowed down. For some reason, I expected him to be taking me to a seedy motel in a bad part of town, shocked to see the sign for the Baccarat Hotel. At well over fifteen hundred dollars a night, to say I was shocked didn’t cover it.

He pulled to the valet stand, coming to a screeching halt, waiting until I removed my arms. As he tipped his head toward me, I could swear there was a knowing smirk on his face. For a few seconds, I thought about asking the valet to get me a cab. I didn’t. I climbed off, handing him the helmet and the second our fingers touched again, I was thrown by a burst of firecrackers dancing throughout my body.
