Page 33 of Cruelest Vow

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“Thank you, Molly,” he said, the tone of his voice changing entirely.

I waited until she was out of hearing range before turning toward him. My muscles were tight, the anger biting into every nerve. I was angry but I was also sad that it didn’t seem I could trust anyone. “How long?”

When he didn’t say anything, I lifted my head, allowing my glare to be filled with the shock of my rage. “How. Long?”

“One month.”

“One month,” I repeated. My father’s plans had been in motion for at least a month. “How much is he paying you?”

“I…” he faltered, shoving his hands into his pockets. “It’s not about payment. Enzo threatened my family.”

I laughed, the sound as bitter as I’d heard coming from my throat. The classic way the Cosa Nostra handled anything out of their comfort zone. It was either brutality, extortion, or blackmail. When money changed hands, it was usually because the alliance would benefit the organization.

My life and livelihood obviously weren’t thought of highly enough to warrant spending precious cash.

“I’m sorry, Ms. Lazarro. I really am. I didn’t feel I had any other choice.”

I wanted to tell him he could have come and talked to me, but I was no fool. I had no backup, no soldiers I could reach out to for assistance. “What does my brother want?”

“He just wanted to know about the business. The financials. Names of buyers and where we purchase the gems from.”

“I see,” I said, gritting my teeth to keep my emotions at bay. “I’ll handle this, Drake. Bring my brother into the office then take a much-needed break. Go grab a cup of coffee.”

He narrowed his eyes then nodded. “I would never betray you, Ms. Lazarro. Most of what I gave him wasn’t accurate.”

If the man wanted me to feel better after his treachery, it wasn’t working. It would seem I’d had my blinders on for far too long. I didn’t bother answering but as he walked toward the door, I sat down behind his desk. As soon as I heard Enzo’s voice, I plastered my game face on.

As requested, Drake slipped away unnoticed. The few seconds of fury on my brother’s face was satisfying. Then a wry smile crossed his face before he swaggered inside, unbuttoning his jacket then leaning over and planting his palms on the desk.

“Interesting. It would seem my big sister has developed a backbone.”

The bastard had always known what to say to annoy me. He’d been the taunting little brother who’d enjoyed playing practical jokes, doing everything he could to sabotage every joy I’d hoped to achieve. He’d been the one to tattle to my father that I went to see D’Artagnan a few nights a week. He’d been the one to…

A brief yet damning image jetted into the forefront of my mind. I’d never forgiven him for that night. The horrible night that had almost destroyed my life. While a tremendous sense of sadness rushed into my system, I refused to allow him to see me upset. He’d fed off my anger and grief for years. No more. If I showed even a hint of weakness, he’d consider himself the winner, bulldozing his way into my life.

No fucking way.

I gave him the sweetest smile before standing, leaning over Drake’s desk in much the same way. When our faces were only a few inches apart, I gave him a nasty gaze, lowering it down slowly.

“Let me explain something to you, Enzo. This is my world and you’re not invited.” I snapped my eyes forward, making certain he knew I was being serious.

“It would seem you still believe you have a choice. This now belongs to me. Should you do anything to jeopardize the operation, I’ll go against our father’s wishes and ensure you’re taught a lesson you won’t soon forget.”

“You’re threatening your own sister now?” I laughed, although I knew he was serious. The man never went anywhere without at least three of his soldiers, brutal savages who did his dirty work for him. The hatred I felt for him grew exponentially. I hadn’t known that was possible.

“I’m stating facts. It’s time for you to grow up, Lucia. Pops gave you this opportunity for a single reason. To increase the family’s power overseas. I’ll take it from here.”

“That’s not going to happen, Enzo.”

He leaned back, keeping his sickening smile on his face. “It would seem my recommendation to our dear father that the wedding be expedited was a good one. You can expect to be hearing from him on that regard. And don’t worry. Romano was given explicit instructions not to hurt you. At least where the injuries would be visible.”

As I struggled to keep tears from falling, tremors from exposing my heightened emotions, he grinned then walked out.

I slumped into the chair, pressing my head into my hands. This time I allowed the tears to fall. Not because my family had used me or that I’d be forced to marry a horrible man.

The terrible sorrow was from the loss of the young boy that I’d known in my heart one day I’d grow up to marry.

The most beautiful soul in the universe, someone I knew who’d protect and love me until our last breaths had been taken.
