Page 41 of Cruelest Vow

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Then I took a step back.

The melodic sounds of guitar filtered into the room, hushed chords pulling at my heart. Visions returned, the way D’Artagnan used to close his eyes, leaning into the guitar as he played had been a driving force in dealing with the intensity of my grief.

He’d even added words to a few songs he’d written, his love of the Spanish heritage because of his mother, who’d grown up in Barcelona. I realized I was humming the tune, swaying back and forth, my heart skipping several beats.

I felt his presence behind me, the power he had over me tickling all my senses. He said nothing, but I heard his heavy breathing over the rhapsody, my mouth suddenly dry. When he reached around me, his hot breath skipped across the side of my neck. I held my breath, finally realizing he was offering a glass of wine.

“Who are you?” I asked quietly, uncertain if my words were lost in the music. I glanced at the window, able to see a silhouette of his reflection. He seemed pensive, as if unsure what to say to me.

“A man you don’t want to know.”

“Why?” I took a sip of wine, hoping it would calm my nerves. Why was I nervous around him? He’d done nothing but try to make me feel special.

“Because of who and what I am.”

He brushed the tips of his fingers across my cheek and I exhaled, shivers stimulating the deepest part of me. When he trailed a single finger across my collarbone, my legs began to shake. The strong pull was more intense than before, my nipples aching for his mouth and fingers. “Tell me who you are.”

The sensual pull continued as he rolled his knuckles down my arm before taking a step back. Electricity crackled like wildfire, the need so intense I couldn’t breathe. I turned around slowly, the tether we shared tugging on my heart and soul, his scent infusing every cell in my body. I was wild with need, no longer able to think clearly. But I heard his words, the deep baritone slamming against my system.

“Someone who will ruin you.”



There were times when words weren’t necessary, when the strong pull of emotions and desires spoke for themselves. I’d longed to experience such intensity with a man, my needs sequestered behind a shadowed veil of apprehension and sadness. But with Nicolo, my defenses had easily been stripped away, replaced with a need burning so bright that all I could think about was his touch, the taste of his lips, and the deep-seated hunger spiraling out of control.

I wasn’t aware he’d taken the glass from my hand or that he’d found a place for both our drinks. All I could see was the devastatingly filthy way he was looking at me, his eyes piercing mine. Then when he pulled me into his arms, everything else was lost, tossed into a dark abyss. How could a single man I barely knew affect me so much?

The light in Nicolo’s eyes shimmered with the same fire encapsulating my core, his raging hunger evident by his labored breathing and the way his clenched jaw accentuated the light stubble covering his chin. When he dragged me against him, cupping my face, he shook his head from side to side, the simple gesture making his full intentions known.

The man was going to devour me.

My heart continued to race, my throat tightening as I placed my palms against his chest. Even through the thick material of his shirt, I was easily able to feel his rapid heartbeat. I wrapped my fingers around the dense material, rising onto my tiptoes. He slowly lowered his gaze, taking his time to bask in the moment just like I was.

There was no going back, no sense of fear that this wasn’t right. There was only the quiet moment between us, which was the true epitome of the calm before the storm.

“Beautiful,” he whispered, and I felt as if I’d fallen off the sharp precipice into the arms of a man who could provide everything I craved.

He pressed his thumb against my lower lip, rubbing it back and forth before tugging my mouth open. When he slipped the thick digit inside, I swirled my tongue around the tip, my hunger exploding. I closed my eyes, sucking as he used his other hand to fist my hair. I arched my back, shifting my hips across the throbbing bulge between his legs. He was rock hard, just as hungry as I’d become.

I absently unbuttoned his shirt as I sucked on his thumb, Nicolo dominating the moment by thrusting it deep inside my mouth.

“I’m going to fuck you, sweet baby. When I’m finished, you will belong to me.”

With any other man, the words of ownership would ignite a fury instead of a firestorm, but with him, everything was different. Meant to be.

How was that possible? While my mind wanted to ignore the sentiment, my body refusing, betraying me as it had never done before. I wanted to belong to him. He jerked my head back, whispered words of filth and sin slipping past his full lips. As soon as he removed his thumb, he captured my mouth, keeping my lips open as he growled into the kiss.

Within seconds, he was forced to drink in my moan, the rush of desire so intense I could no longer think clearly. But I didn’t want to. The kiss became a roar of need between us, Nicolo sweeping his tongue inside, every move he made commanding me to want him more.

I slipped my hand inside his shirt, the tips of my fingers seared from his heated skin. He was perfectly carved, every muscle accentuated. I couldn’t stop shivering as the moment of intimacy forced my heart to hammer against my chest, echoing in my ears.

Every sound he made, the guttural growls slipping past our locked lips fueled the need. I was no longer able to feel my legs, but I knew he’d catch me if I fell. He wrapped his arm around my waist, yanking me tightly against him. No one had ever devoured my mouth the way he was.

I tangled my fingers in his hair, tugging on his shirt with my other hand. He broke the kiss, laughing in a deep, husky tone before biting down on my lower lip.

“Be careful or I won’t be gentle.”
