Page 43 of Cruelest Vow

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Nicolo rubbed his groin against my bottom, shifting the orchestrated rhythm to something more sensual, allowing me to fall into the pure ecstasy. I could no longer feel my toes, my mind a complete blur.

“Then come for me, baby. Coat my fingers with your sweet juice. They’re watching you.”

The thought spiraled me out of control, my body shattering into millions of tiny pieces as the orgasm swept through me.

“Oh. Oh. Oh!” I tried to squelch my scream but there was no doubt it had filtered into other apartments. I planted my hand around his, moving with him as he finger fucked me. The wave continued, the pussy muscles clenching and releasing, the scent of my desire wafting into the air.

He held me fast, allowing my breathing to calm, his fingers still buried deep inside. When he pulled his arm into the air, I blinked several times, still unable to breathe. I watched his reflection over the steam of my heated breath as he pushed his finger into his mouth, sucking for several seconds. Then he pressed them across my lips, nuzzling his face into my neck.

“Lick them clean for me. Taste how delicious you are.”

I opened my mouth, obeying him instantly, swirling my tongue as I sucked. He never blinked, never allowing his gaze to wander as I obeyed him. Even through the haze covering a portion of the window, I could see the shimmer in his eyes.

When he suddenly backed away, my body was tipped forward from the slight shock. I pressed my palms against the glass, trying to steady myself, a series of whimpers giving away my continued desire. While barely silhouetted in the dim light, I was able to capture one half of his rugged face as he studied me.

He undressed, fisting his hands when he’d finished. I wanted to explore every inch of his body, running my fingers across his muscles and veins, the thick cords in his neck. But I sensed as before, his hunger was far too intense. I couldn’t control my breathing,

When he advanced, his massive hands gripping and opening my thighs, I hung my head, eager for the feel of his cock. He gave me what I needed without hesitation, driving the entire length deep into my core.

“Oh…” The single word was ripped from my mouth from the roughness and force he’d used, but I loved it.

“No man will ever touch you again,” he said. “Say it. Say it.”

His demand was exhilarating. “Yes. No one. No other man.”

He pulled out, plunging into me again, driving me against the window. “Say it.” The deep growl in his voice added to the excitement.

“No other man will touch me. Never.” It felt right saying it, my mystery lover the most powerful man in my life. I was giddy and flying on air, my pussy aching as it stretched to accommodate his girth. He was huge but I could swear he was swelling even more, filling me completely.

“Yes. My girl.” He nudged my legs further open then gripped my hips, holding me in place as he fucked me like a wild animal.

I pressed my face against the glass, gasping for air as he claimed me savagely. He was crazed in his actions, his entire body remaining tense, his jaw so tightly clenched I could hear his teeth grinding.

“Uh. Uh. Uh. Uh. Uh.” There was no chance I could think coherently, the single sound the only one I could make. I met every brutal thrust, certain he was going to break me in two.

He pulled me further away from the window, bending me at the waist, fisting my hair with one hand. Then he cracked his other against my bottom, still able to fuck me.

I’d never known how powerful the combination of pain and pleasure could be, but I was crazed from need and the wave of bliss coursing through me. I could swear the world was on fire around us, the heat sizzling my skin. Still through the steam I could reflect on his face, his dark eyes as they bore into me. In those few seconds, I could see through the layer of armor into the darkness of his soul and the level of pain he’d endured.

I was frozen, all sight and sound ceasing as my entire world parted, my tiny little universe opening up, allowing him to become the center.

And for some reason, it scared me to death.

In the next seconds, his body began to shake, and suddenly that slender tether that had grabbed me from the beginning tightened just as his hold had done. He thrust several more times. Then his body collapsed over mine, pulling me instantly into his arms. As we both gasped for air, he erupted deep inside, once again never blinking as he filled me with his seed.

In his dark eyes shimmering like gemstones, I once again was allowed a glimpse deep inside.

And the man who finally blinked wasn’t the same as the night from before. As he held me in his arms, his cheek pressed against mine, I wanted to ask him about the wounds that had scarred his heart. But I knew he wouldn’t answer. He’d remain bleeding inside, holding onto whatever horrors he’d been through.

Then one day he’d surrender his soul to the darkness.



Lucia was killing me softly with every piercing look, the way her long eyelashes skimmed across her shimmering skin. As I eased my shirt over her shoulders, an icy chill coursed through my veins. Being with her made me realize that up until now, my life had been lived in stages of black and white, the only color allowed images of the horrific fire as it consumed everything that had mattered.

Now, with her, the moments shared were powerful in their toxicity, dangerous in their entailments. I was fooling myself if I thought this would go anywhere good or decent. There were no such things as fantasies allowed inside the prison walls of the Cosa Nostra. There was only blood and violence, fleeting moments of pleasure that never erased the horrors seen and inflicted every day.
