Page 48 of Cruelest Vow

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We hadn’t spoken in several minutes, both enjoying a similar instrumental CD as we relaxed after a simple but fabulous dinner. The feeling as if we’d known each other a long time allowed me to feel contentment even though the world around me would crash and burn within days.

“Have you ever been in love?” I asked, the out of the blue question causing him to chuckle. There was something about the deep baritone of his voice that kept the fire burning brightly.

“I determined a long time ago that I’m not the kind of man who anyone should be in love with. Allowing myself to become attracted to anyone at that level isn’t in my DNA.”

“Why? There isn’t a human being alive who can’t be loved.”

His exhale was labored, his fingers pressing more tightly against my head. “Sadly, that’s not true. The reason is simple. Because of who and what I am, Lucia.”

“You’ve yet to explain that. A killer? Someone who kicks puppies?”

The sound of his chuckle was even darker. “I love animals more than people. They bring me joy as well as peace, although I would never suggest I deserve a moment of tranquility.”

I rolled over, pressing my hand against his naked chest. He’d tossed on sweatpants and nothing else while I remained in his shirt. In the stream of moonlight, there was no doubt he was the sexiest man I’d ever seen. When I purposely slid my hand across his cock, he issued a husky growl. “You’re not getting off that easily. However, I’m glad you don’t kick puppies because that would be a deal breaker.”

When he lowered his gaze, narrowing his eyes, I shuddered inwardly. My pussy remained wet, desire whispering a powerful need. Soon, neither one of us would be able to ignore the electric hum buzzing between us.

“I’m glad to hear you say that. At least you have firm limitations.” He tweaked my nipple, his upper lip curling. The darkness hiding beneath the man’s persona had once again taken hold. It was as if he had two distinct personalities. I was beginning to believe he truly wanted me frightened of him.

“I’m serious. Why don’t you deserve love?”

He took a gulp of his whiskey, holding the liquid in his mouth for a few seconds. “Because I’m a vengeful man. I’ve taken what doesn’t belong to me more times than I can count, including lives.”

The frankness of his admittance was startling but given the world I’d grown up in, I wasn’t shocked to the point of feeling the need to leave. He was drawing me into the shadows surrounding his soul, daring me to hate him before I had a chance to express my feelings. “For business or pleasure?”

When he lifted a single eyebrow, I eased into a sitting position. “Both.” He took another swig of his drink, laughing more to himself. “Why do I have the feeling your past resembles mine?”

I shrugged, leaning over and reaching for my wine. “Because it seems the old adage is true. Birds of a feather.”

“It’s a life I wouldn’t wish on anyone.”

“It’s a life I’m trying to get away from. But I learned a long time ago that with blood being thicker than water, there’s a fine line between responsibility and the kind of demands that eventually will crush your spirit.” I sat up, allowing my heated gaze to slide across his muscular legs.

He said nothing at first, merely placing his hand on my leg, nonchalantly brushing his thumb across my knee. When he did, the heaviness wasn’t in his tone but in the words themselves. I wanted to think of them as calculated, but they were clearly coming from a dark place inside his soul. “Then I suggest you do everything in your power to find a way out of the trap before it’s too late. Even ties that have nothing to do with blood will eventually becoming suffocating.”

My glass in my hand, I shifted toward him, leaning over until he was forced to glance in my eyes. “Why does it seem like you’re warning me that spending time with you could be destructive?”

His laugh boomed into the room. He rubbed his jaw, tipping his head then rubbing his crooked index finger across my cheek. “Because it will be. Hence the ruin comment. You should stay away from bad men.” While there was a slight smirk on his face, the haunted look in his eyes remained.

I laughed until he locked eyes with mine, never blinking. “You’re serious. You want me to stay away from you.”

“Unfortunately, I am. It’s in your best interest.”

“Wait a minute,” I said, trying to figure out what was going on. “Are you telling me that you plan on hurting me?”

The way he exhaled put me slightly on edge. “I will never hurt you, Lucia, but there are others that would find great pleasure in doing so.”

“Hold on.” I scooted back on the couch. “Are you working for my brother? Tell the goddamn truth.”

Huffing, he shook his head. “No. I work for no one.”

“You’re an assassin. Aren’t you?”

He took another sip of his drink, lifting his gaze to stare out the window. “I do what’s necessary to keep my business thriving. Nothing more. Nothing less. But as with all powerful entities, enemies keep themselves prepared to strike when necessary. It’s better if you don’t ask me questions.”

“You mean unless I’m prepared to hear the gory details of how you handle your business.”

My body had an instant reaction to the way his eyes slanted in my direction, my nipples becoming fully aroused. When he slowly lowered his gaze, taking a deep breath, I could swear he was thinking of even filthier ways of devouring me.
