Page 88 of Cruelest Vow

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If love made someone do crazy things, money and power made them drop into insanity. What had occurred seemed surreal, as if it had never happened. But the nagging voice inside my head reminded me that my blouse had spots of blood. My father’s blood. While my heart ached, my mind still fuzzy from the horrific event, I couldn’t allow myself to fall into the abyss of anger or sadness. Not now.

I’d watched D’Artagnan and several of his men leave, pressing my hand against the glass, beckoning him silently to return. He’d sensed my presence, lifting his head toward the second-floor window, a smile crossing his face.

Only then had I allowed tears to fall, wiping them away quickly. I had to be strong for my mama and for Sophia. My sister had returned from school, ushered to my mother’s suite before she had a chance to ask any questions. I had to be the bearer of horrific news, uncertain how I would manage to tell them what had happened.

However, it couldn’t wait any longer.

I headed to the room, reminding myself of what my father had been prepared to do and that my brother had saved my life. The combination was painful. I would make certain my mother and sister never suffered a day in their lives again. But above all, I’d known the man I’d given my heart to would have made the ultimate call to allow me to live.

But he’d controlled his rage. For me. For us.

For the future.

After taking a deep breath, I walked into the room, Sophia immediately flying toward me.

“You’re here! Oh, my God. What’s going on? Who are those men downstairs? Where’s Father?” Sophia threw her arms around me. While I held her close, I locked eyes with my mother. There was no doubt she knew.

“I’m here. I’m not going anywhere.” I broke the hold and Sophia immediately noticed the bloodstains.

“You’re hurt!”

“No. It’s not my blood.”

“Come, child,” my mother said to Sophia. “Allow your sister to talk.”

The confusion on Sophia’s face was about to break my heart.

“I don’t understand. What is going on? Please tell me.” My sister had changed in the two years since I’d seen her. Yes, we’d laughed and told stories over Facetime calls. I knew about her boyfriend, the one she’d done everything in her power to keep secret from our father. She’d told me her hopes and dreams, which had sounded much like my own from so long ago. I hadn’t wanted to break it to her that she would likely not be allowed to make her own choices.

Now, maybe she could.

“Sit down, Sophia,” Mother commanded.

My sister furrowed her brow but went to sit by our mother.

“There are several things that need to be said,” I started, still uncertain what to say.

“You’re scaring me,” Sophia moaned.

“Don’t be, little sister. Things are about to get much better. Father is dead.” The words were said bluntly but there was no other way of doing it.

“What? What?” Sophia yelped. “How? Who?”

“Enzo shot him to save my life.” I allowed my gaze to drift to my mother. While there were tears in her eyes, a smile slid across her face.

“I always knew your brother would rise to the occasion.” My mother’s words seemed harsh, but I understood more than anyone what she’d been through in her life. There was a moment of serenity crossing her face, as if she’d always known my father’s life would end in violence.

“No. No!” Sophia dropped her head into her hands, sobbing uncontrollably. At least my sister had been protected from the scourge of a life I’d done everything to avoid.

I moved closer, easing onto my knees. “It’s going to be alright.”

“You found him, the man you were always meant to be with.” My mother’s quiet words were said in reverence.

“How did you know?”

“A mother always knows. I watched him grow into a man, hated his suffering, but I always knew he’d find you.”

I squeezed her hand, smiling as Sophia lifted her head, searching my eyes for answers as well as the peace she needed. When she noticed the ring on my finger, the sadness shifted into joy, if only for a few brief seconds.
