Page 40 of Filthy Bratva

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He shrugs, taking a sip of his coffee. “I guess we see things differently.”

“Very differently.”

“But that doesn’t really matter to me. I don’t judge you for being naive, and you shouldn’t judge me for acting like a man. That’s just my nature.”

I laugh. “Alright, now you’ve gone too far. Neither of those statements are true.”

He raises his eyebrows, his copper eyes gleaming with a hint of devious humor. “Am I not a man?”

“You know what I mean. I’m not as naive as you make me out to be, and just because you’re a man doesn’t mean you have to act like some kind of animal.”

“You seemed to enjoy it last night,” he says, the sides of his eyes crinkling as he smiles.

My heart flutters, but I put up my walls again and frown. “There’s a time and a place for behavior like that, but it’s not all the time and everywhere. You have to act appropriately.”

“Not a fucking chance, sweetheart,” he replies, finishing his eggs with the same savagery as he started them.

He washes them down with the rest of his coffee and stands up. “I need a smoke.”

“If you must, do it outside, but don’t leave yet. I want you to come with me to the store and get some things for the bar,” I say, realizing I’m not going to be able to change him so easily.

Perhaps I never will, but can I live with a man like that? I certainly couldn’t bring him home to my mom in his current state. She’d kick both of us out of the house and probably call the police.

Savva thanks me for breakfast and steps outside, leaving me to finish my coffee in silence. I hate to admit that the smoke blowing outside the window is a comforting sight, just as the taste was like pure sex last night when it was on his lips. He could turn my worst nightmare into my greatest guilty pleasure just by virtue of being himself.

I get up after a moment, washing the plates and making myself a second cup of coffee to start the day. I hardly ever used to drink the stuff, but these days it takes me two to get going. Running a business isn’t easy.

I mix in sugar and cream, but it’s not as good as the one Savva made me. I’m tempted to call him in and make him prepare another cup for me, but I don’t want to disturb his peace. He looks so calm out there standing next to his Harley.

As I finish my second cup, he comes back inside and nods to the door. “Want to learn how to ride?”



Savva throws his leg over his Harley, making it look like the most natural thing in the world. It’s easy for him since he’s so tall and has probably done it a million times, but my legs aren’t quite so long, and I’ve not so much as touched a motorcycle before.

So, when he steps off and tells me to try, I’m naturally hesitant. If I knock the bike over, he’ll be angry because I scratched it, but I can’t hold up something so heavy. This is an accident waiting to happen.

“I don’t know if I should,” I say, stepping toward him with crossed arms. “What if it falls over on me and crushes my leg.”

He laughs, grabbing the handlebars from the front, legs spread over the front tire. “You’re not going to fall over. I’ll hold it up for you.”

“Knowing me, I’ll find a way to knock it over anyway,” I reply.

“No, you’ll be fine. Just trust me.”

Trust him, after everything that’s happened? The last time I trusted him, I ended up pressed up against a storage container with his cock inside of me. Savva doesn’t strike me as the trustworthy type of man, unless you enjoy getting into trouble.

The problem is, I do.

“Just don’t shake it or anything,” I say, grabbing the body of the motorcycle and attempting to hoist myself onto it like it’s an elephant. At my size, it might as well be.

“Nice and steady,” Savva assures me, squeezing the handlebars and grinning.

“Okay, I got this,” I say, putting my leg over and sitting down. I adjust myself on the leather seat, feeling the warmth between my legs from where Savva was just sitting. It feels nicer than it probably should, and I bet it would be even better if this thing was on.

“You’re a natural,” Savva says, letting go of the handlebars.
