Page 67 of Filthy Bratva

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I have to take the phone from Savva to prevent her from talking his ear off. He can barely get a word in. “Mom, mom, relax,” I say, shaking my head. “You can come down here and visit us.”

I give Savva a guilty smile for assuming he’d be okay with that, but he just shrugs and smiles.

God, what a sweetheart. How the hell did I get so lucky?

“Oakley, you had better not mess this up. He sounds… important,” my mom says in a hushed voice.

I laugh. “Yeah, he is. Rich, too, if you think that’s important.”

“Is he really? That’s amazing. I’ve always said you needed to settle down with someone who made a lot of money. It makes things so much easier.”

“Yes, you’re right. It really does make things easier, but you can see everything for yourself when you get here. Just try to keep an open mind. He’s a bit different from the other guys, but he has a pure heart.”

“As long as he’s good to you, that’s all I care about,” she says, and I feel overjoyed.

Finally, everything is coming together.

“Okay, mom, I’ll call you again a bit later. I just wanted to tell you about everything so you’re not in the dark. I hope that’s fine,” I say as Savva gives me eyes like he wants to tear my clothes off.

“Sure, just don’t make me wait too long. I’m excited to hear more!”

I hang up the phone and turn to Savva, who raises his eyebrows and looks me up and down. “I think we should celebrate.”

“How so?” I ask, leaning against the kitchen counter and pushing my tits out in an obvious show of willingness.

He reaches for his belt. “I can think of some ways…”



Over the past two years, I’ve learned what unconditional love is from the most ruthless Bratva boss in Nevada. Sometimes, our blessings come in the form of a curse, and other times, they come in the form of the sexiest man on the planet.

For me, that man is Savva, father of our one-year-old son, Angus.

Today, Savva is out building a tire swing for Angus even though he won’t be able to use it until he’s at least a few years older. Savva believes it’s important to introduce things to Angus long before he can take advantage of them, so that he will feel motivated to grow.

I’d argue that Angus is growing fast enough already, and I wish I could slow down time and keep him this small and innocent forever, but I let Savva take charge of raising our son. He seems to enjoy his role as a father more than I thought a man ever could.

Thankfully, Angus isn’t the only one who gets to raise his heir. I’m pregnant with a girl now, and she’s coming into this world in six months. Soon, Angus will learn how to treat a lady, something his father learned only later in his life when he met me.

I smile, rubbing my belly as I stand barefoot in the grass, watching Savva toss a rope over the large oak tree that’s watched over several generations before us. Angus watches him from the grass, occasionally picking up bugs and trying to eat them. I never knew how many spiders a baby could eat until I had Angus. He seems especially interested in the ones that try to run away.

Honestly, he reminds me of Savva so much.

Savva ties off the rope and begins weaving the other end around the tire, securing it into a swing. I laugh when he sits on it to test it. I can imagine what he’d look like as a boy, betting his friends that he could swing high enough to touch the moon with his feet.

I have to assume that Angus will be as ambitious as his father is. He was walking at eight months, and now, he runs until he falls, then crawls until he reaches his target. Look away for more than a few seconds, and he’s already on the other side of the house.

Right now, however, he’s so captivated by what his daddy is doing that he has no urge to jump to his little feet and run across the yard in search of more bugs to introduce to his mouth. He’s watching Savva closely, curious as to what he’s building.

I guess Savva was right to put up the tire swing long before Angus could use it. He’s already obsessed with the thing.

I smile as Angus stands up and waddles over to Savva, getting his attention with an enthusiastic yelp. Savva picks him up, pointing at the tire and explaining something to him that I can’t hear.

I smile. Savva always talks to Angus, most of the time in Russian. I’m almost afraid that Angus won’t even be able to speak English after the amount of time he’s spent with his father, but I know Savva will make sure that Angus has all the skills he needs to navigate the world as a man.

Savva looks my way and beckons me over.
