Page 32 of A Hero For Heather

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“So you thought he only wanted you for sex?” Daisy asked.

“What would you think?”

“I have no idea. So what happened last night?”

“He asked for my number,” she said, grinning.

“Woohoo,” Daisy said, dancing around the kitchen now. “That’s awesome.”

“Yes and no. As you can tell, we don’t move very fast. We went over a year not seeing each other. Then it’s been like seven weeks.”

“That’s a lot faster this time,” Daisy said.

“Because we were in the same place last night. If we weren’t, it’d probably be a year before he asked, if that.”

“I don’t believe it,” Daisy said. “He didn’t have to get up and follow you to the bathroom. He could have gone at any other point or not at all.”

“True,” she said.

“He came to you,” Daisy pointed out. “Just like I said I wanted a guy to do.”

Daisy would remember that. “Again, true. But that doesn’t mean anything. It could be months before he reaches out again.”

“No,” Daisy said. “I don’t think so. You want this kept quiet though, don’t you?”

“I’d like that,” she said. “I don’t need anyone to think I just jump in bed with any guy. I’ve never done that before. Luke was the first. And the second.”

Daisy grinned. “There is a reason for that. You know it. You’ll figure it out. But until then I won’t say a word. As long as you keep me posted.”

“I will,” she said. It’s not like she could hide it now.

And as luck would have it, her phone dinged on the counter. She walked over to get it, shocked to see a text from Luke asking if they could meet and talk together. Could be in public if she didn’t trust herself. She had to laugh over that statement. She didn’t think she did but wasn’t ready to be in public either.

“It’s Luke, isn’t it?” Daisy asked. “I’m right, I know it.”

“It is him,” she said. She moved her phone over for her best friend to read the text.

“That’s hilarious. What are you going to do?”

“Do you care if he comes here? Will you give us privacy if he does? I hate to ask you to go to your room though?”

“Are you kidding me?” Daisy said. “I’ll be your wingman so that you don’t jump him. Use me as an excuse if you want. I’ll stay in my room and have the TV up loud. This way I’m not tempted to listen at the door and you won’t be tempted to jump his bones.”

“Oh, I’ll be tempted to jump him, but I won’t do it knowing you’re in the apartment.”

“Good,” Daisy said. “Because I’ll be tempted to listen at the door but won’t be able to hear anything with the TV up high anyway.”

The two of them laughed and she replied to Luke.


A Thing

Luke didn’t think he’d be coming over to Heather’s today to talk and the last thing he expected when she opened the door was to see her roommate standing there looking for a formal introduction. Guess her friend knew what was going on.

“Luke Remington, this is Daisy Jones. Daisy, Luke.”

He shook Daisy’s hand. Both girls were dressed in comfy clothes right now, but all he saw was Heather in black leggings, a long gray cotton shirt over her hips and hitting her mid thigh, and her feet bare.
