Page 103 of Fierce: Sawyer

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They had their dinner in silence and she was fine with that. It never bothered her before. If Sawyer wanted to talk, he would. He’d had a rough enough day.

Once dinner was cleaned up, he’d gone outside with Fred and was throwing the ball around. It was chilly out but not enough that her dog wouldn’t be thrilled with some exercise.

They came in after ten minutes. “I know it’s too early for bed,” she said. “But I want you to relax.”

She held her hand out for his and he took it, her pulling him up the stairs.

“I’m more relaxed just being here with you,” he said.

“Good. Get undressed,” she said.

He started to take his clothes off, but she wasn’t removing hers. Not yet.

“Where do you want me?” he asked. “I’m guessing you’ve got an agenda?”

“I do,” she said. “Get on your stomach. I’m going to give you a massage.”

He lay down on her sheets after he pulled the blankets back, and put his head on her pillow, his arms over his head. “Have you done this before?”

“Nope,” she said. “Never. I’ve never wanted to. But I did a little research on it.”

She’d read what she could on her phone during her lunch hour. Others might have done it on their work computer or even their phone during working hours, but not her. She followed the rules to the point she was boring to most.

Some things in her life just weren’t going to ever change.

She straddled his thighs and sat down on his hips, her hands going to his shoulder, then she jumped up and ran to the bathroom to get lotion. She couldn’t believe she’d forgotten that part of it.

She put some on her palms and rubbed them together, then went right back to his shoulders and started to squeeze.

He let out a little groan and she took that as a positive sound. More so since she’d just started.

For the next fifteen minutes, she was kneading his shoulders, running her hands down his back and over his arms. She was changing up the pressure and continued until her fingers were numb.

Sawyer hadn’t moved once and she leaned over to see he was out cold.

So much for all her plans tonight. But she did what she said she would.

For now she’d let him sleep.

She covered him with the blankets, went downstairs and watched some TV with Fred. When she came up two hours later, he was still sleeping. She got ready for bed and climbed in next to him, shut the light and fell asleep herself.

The next thing she knew, she was waking up to this warm light feeling over her chest.

Her hand went down and she felt hair. Hmmm?

Then she opened her eyes and noticed the lump under the sheets and realized it had to be Sawyer.

“You’re finally awake,” he mumbled. Or so she thought that was what he said since he was still under the covers.

She pushed them back. “I should say that to you. You fell asleep a little after seven and never moved again.”

“Sorry about that,” he said. “I was more tired than I thought. Your touch put me to sleep.”

“Not sure if that is a compliment or not,” she said.

“Totally one. I’m hoping my touch doesn’t put you back to sleep now that I woke you up.”

“Never,” she said. His hand had slid down under the covers, found her heat and she realized her body was ready to go even if her brain was struggling to catch up.
