Page 104 of Fierce: Sawyer

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Who needed to think in a time like this anyway?

Just because she had it all planned out last night and it didn’t work the way she wanted didn’t mean she couldn’t pivot like so many had told her before.

She didn’t think she was that structured.

Maybe Sawyer was knocking it out of her.

Just like now when his mouth slid down further and was kissing her belly, her hips lifting up for more contact.

“You like that, don’t you?” he asked.

“Always,” she said.

His large hands pulled her underwear down; her T-shirt had been pushed up while she was sleeping. He was still naked from earlier and she felt his cock pressing against her legs.

“I love how your body responds so easily to me,” he said.

“Me too,” she said. “You know we’ve got an audience in the room right now, don’t you?”

“We’ll be quiet,” he said. “Or I can be. Can you?”

She wasn’t sure she had much of a choice, as she didn’t want Fred jumping on the bed trying to save one of them. She still wasn’t positive who Fred would go to first and didn’t want to test it out.

“I can,” she said. “I’ll put a pillow over my face if I have to. And by the way, I’m on birth control now if you’re good with it.”

She’d been researching that for a bit too and decided to get a shot in the arm every few months was much easier. Not that she’d thought she’d ever forget to take a pill daily, but this seemed to be the best option for her and she went with it.

It was just trying to find the right time to tell him she’d gotten it weeks ago.

“Totally fine with it,” he said. “Now I don’t have to stop or get out of bed.”

“Stop talking,” she said.

He laughed and went right for her dripping heat that he’d been playing with while they discussed birth control.

The minute his tongue went to her swollen bud though, there wasn’t one thought left in her head.

She let out a moan and realized it was going to be harder than she thought to stay quiet so she did grab his pillow and put it over her face and hoped she didn’t suffocate.

The fact she couldn’t see what he was doing and in the dark he couldn’t either had this going blind thing working for her.

It made her just focus on feelings alone and that was not something she’d done often in her life.

But she was going to let go and her body would do what it wanted because she felt she had little control over it.

Just like she didn’t have much control over the fact she was in love with Sawyer.

She knew he wasn’t ready to hear it any more than she was to say it.

He slid one finger inside of her, then another as he continued to taste every part of her body.

She was getting louder but hoped no one heard it.

His fingers were pumping in and out, her hips matching it. Then he just stopped. She was right on the edge and it was all gone.

She was ready to growl when the pillow was removed from her face and Sawyer was up and over her.

Then he was in her and she arched her back, let out a low moan, and he kissed her to silence the room.
