Page 114 of Fierce: Sawyer

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“It’s nice you could stop over,” Uncle Gavin said. “But you were close by.”

“We were,” she said. “And you knew this how?”

“I told them,” her father said. “They wanted to know why you weren’t here earlier.”

“You told Jolene two days ago,” her mother said. “Be honest with your daughter.”

There was laughter in the room along with a lot of kids running around. “It’s good to see you again, Sawyer,” Cade said, coming forward. “I’m sure Faith has filled you in on everything that happens in this family.”

“Some of it,” he said.

Faith went around the room introducing the spouses to Sawyer. He’d met her cousins before.

Aiden, Nic, Margo, Liam, Brody and Aimee were working. Their kids were here though.

Mason’s twins were dashing around the room followed by Brody’s and Aiden’s sons, Evan and Anthony. Cade’s twins followed too, Cameron and Regan.

The babies were in arms or sleeping. It was noisy and hectic and what she was used to.

“Where are Ella and Brock?” she asked.

“They went on vacation,” Aunt Jolene said. “That’s odd for her, but they took the kids and got a house on the water. Madison missed the Easter egg hunt this year, but she didn’t seem fazed by it from the pictures I saw this morning.”

“I’m sure Ella made it up to her,” she said.

“Can we get you a beer?” Gavin asked Sawyer.

“I’m good,” he said.

“Sawyer’s been drinking scotch,” Faith said. “With his grandfather and father. I’m sure you’ve had plenty of it at their house while you planned and schemed.”

Her uncle grinned at her. “Your aunt is the planner and schemer. I just get to smooth waters out,” Uncle Gavin said. She didn’t believe that. Even less when her aunt snorted and rolled her eyes.

“How are things going with you two?” Aunt Jolene asked.

“Really, Aunt Jolene,” Devin said. “That’s pretty bold.”

“Boldness is called for with Faith. This might be the longest she’s dated anyone in a long time.”

She looked at Sawyer. “You don’t think I’d tell you about other people, do you?” she asked.

“You always were the private one,” Uncle Gavin said. “I’ve been telling my wife that for years, but she won’t let up.”

She looked at her mother and back to her uncle. “You always have my back, Uncle Gavin. I appreciate it.”

There was a lot of laughter in the room over that. It was overkill on her uncle’s part. Hers too, but she was going to play them as much as they were playing her.

“That’s right,” Aunt Jolene said. “Side with your uncle.”

“I will,” she said. “He nags less than you.”

“She has you there, Jolene,” her father said. “That’s why Faith got along with boys more than girls growing up.”

She looked at Sawyer’s frown. Not sure where that came from or the words out of her father’s mouth.

“That was a long time ago,” she said. “Men are less catty.”

“You aren’t wrong,” Kendra said.
