Page 117 of Fierce: Sawyer

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She had to say this almost made her want to have a child soon.

Of course she still hadn’t said she loved Sawyer and wasn’t sure why she wasn’t.

There was part of her that had her parents’ words in her head that she shouldn’t be holding back out of spite for her aunt’s little matchmaking schemes.

Was she really doing that?

Or was it fear?

Yeah, it was more fear when she hadn’t been afraid of much in her life, but this scared the crap out of her.

What if Sawyer didn’t feel the same way? What if she pushed him away and he’d think she was clingy by saying the words?

What they had seemed to be going so well and the last thing she wanted to do was upset their dynamic.

“Can we throw the ball for him?” Cameron asked.

“Sure,” she said. “Why don’t you each grab one and we’ll go in the back?”

Fred was getting his exercise too. Between the walk in the park and then all of this playing, her dog was going to be out the minute the kids were gone.

She looked at her watch. Cade would be here within the hour, so not much longer to entertain the twins.

They’d gone for their walk, and she fed them lunch after stopping for treats on the way back. They both got to pick out cookies and she let them eat them before lunch. Why not? Wasn’t that what a babysitter was for? To let the kids get away with something they might not with their own parents.

After twenty minutes of her dog running up and down the short yard, barking and jumping around, having a ball, the twins started to yawn and rub their eyes.

She looked at her watch and figured Cade would be here soon. He said before the kids’ nap.

“Let’s go in the house, kids,” she said. “I think Fred needs a drink. How about you?”

“I need to pee,” Cameron said, grabbing himself between the legs. “Can I go right here like Fred?”

She started to giggle. She was going to say yes, but realized she better not.

“Mom says no,” Regan said.

“But Dad lets me,” Cameron argued.

“In the house,” she said, laughing. “You don’t want me to get in trouble, do you? Then you might not be able to come back again.”

Once the kids both had a bathroom break and a juice box, the front door opened.

Fred started to run, but she called him back so he didn’t scare Cade, who was slightly nervous of the dog anyway.

She couldn’t wait to tell him the kids were having a ball with Fred and that Cade’s wife was right. It backfired.

She turned when she saw her Aunt Jolene standing there though. “Grandma!” both kids yelled and ran. Her aunt did have a way to get everyone to go to her.

“How are my favorite twins?” Aunt Jolene asked. They were too young to know or call their grandmother out on that. That she said the same to Jacob and Jeremy too.

“Fred is great,” Cameron said. “I want a dog. I’m telling Daddy.”

Aunt Jolene smirked at her. “You’ve got the O’Malley sneakiness in you too.”

“Maybe,” she said. “Where is Cade?”

“He got held up and called and asked if I could get these two and bring them home and set for their naps.”
