Page 25 of Fierce: Sawyer

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“There are so many babies here, she should be paying attention to them.”

Brody and Aimee had another son two months ago. Gray was adorable and much calmer than his older brother, Evan.

Mason and Jessica had a little girl last month, Fiona. What a doll she was and even Mason’s twins were protective of their sister.

“She will never give up until everyone is matched up.”

“I heard your aunts in Durham are all over their kids’ friends. Why doesn’t your mother move onto them?”

Ella laughed. “Not until she has finished with family.”

“She’s got a long wait,” Faith said. She was hanging firm. No way she was letting her aunt have any say in the man she got.

Plus, she had a man she was interested in and she was keeping that quiet for now.

“Stay strong,” Ella said. “And let’s join the rest of them before someone wonders what is going on.”

She handed Landon back. “I think I’ll go get another drink to get through.”

Faith made her way to where the wine was and filled a glass. “Don’t let your aunt get to you.”

She turned to see her Uncle Gavin standing there. She was a daddy’s girl, but she did enjoy her Uncle Gavin too. “Which aunt would that be?”

“Please,” Uncle Gavin said, waving his hand. “You know Jolene is the worst of them. Your Aunt Shay has her moments, but she won’t ride your butt like my wife will. You’ll find someone when the time is right.”

“That’s right, Uncle Gavin. Thank you for that. Maybe you can tell your wife to let me have some space.”

He laughed and leaned down. “You know that won’t work.”

“I guess not. It was worth a shot though,” she said.

She walked away with her wine and then went to talk to her mother and father.

“Is Aunt Jolene giving you a hard time?” her father asked.

“Nothing I can’t handle,” she said.

“She’s more determined than ever with Ivan and Kendra looking cozy over there,” her mother said.

“I hope there is no engagement,” she said.

“That’s mean,” her mother said.

“I love Kendra. I’m not trying to be mean.”

“We know you love her,” her father said. “But it’s so your aunt will work on them more. So yeah, that is mean.”

Her shoulders dropped. There was no getting out of this.

Another hour went by and Faith was thinking she could finally leave. She got her jacket and Aunt Jolene came running over. “Where are you going?”

“Home,” she said. “I’ll be back tomorrow. But I don’t want to leave Fred alone all night. He misses me.”

Aunt Jolene rolled her eyes. “You and that dog. You need a man to go home to, not just a dog.”

“Someday,” she said.

“Really?” her aunt asked, her eyes lighting up. Shit. What had she done?
