Page 43 of Fierce: Sawyer

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Jennifer actually kicked her foot this time. Good lord, this was too much. And childish too.

“Then you understand, Lonnie. They are like our babies.”

“Only your baby would eat his,” Jennifer said.

“Fred isn’t very fond of cats, no,” she said. “Though I don’t think he’d hurt them.”

Her neighbor had a cat that was loose a lot and would get into their yard. The barking drove her nuts and she’d finally told her neighbor why it was going on when there was a complaint. Since she was able to keep her dog in her yard and fenced in, and the cat was the one trespassing, her neighbor was the one that got a fine from their complex.

Oh well, rules were rules and that was why she had a camera too. She could prove to them that Fred was very well behaved and then once that cat jumped into her yard, her best bud went nuts. Of course he did, it was a violation of his personal space.

Lonnie finished what he was doing and moved on after she said that.

“He totally has a crush on you,” Jennifer said.

“No, he doesn’t,” she said. “He’s just trying to fit in.”

“No,” Jennifer said. “You’re smart but then clueless with this. He is always making comments about you larping with him.” Jennifer broke out in a fresh round of giggles.

“It’s not funny.”

“You want to laugh and you know it. I can see it in your eyes. But you might look good in some medieval wear.”

This time she did laugh. “I don’t think so,” she said.

“Seriously though,” Jennifer said. “You should have come out with us at least to dinner rather than sitting home alone all night.”

“What makes you think I was alone?” she asked.

Jennifer grabbed her arm and turned her. “Are you seeing someone?”

“Shhh,” she said.

“You are,” Jennifer said. “Why didn’t you say anything?”

“Because it’s only been a few dates and not much to report.”

She wasn’t going to say much more at this point. Even if there was more to report she wouldn’t tell anyone she worked with.

They didn’t know her family personally or anything. No worries there.

“Who is it?” Jennifer asked.

“No one you know,” she said. Which was true because she’d told her coworkers what had happened a few weeks ago with the mugger and they’d seen the scratches on her palms. She’d mentioned Sawyer’s name and no one even commented.

“Tell me how you met at least,” Jennifer said.

“In the park,” she said. Not a lie.

“So he knows about Fred and is okay with your bodyguard?” Jennifer asked.

She laughed. “More than okay with it,” she said.

Though she still had to figure out what to do about Fred too. The fact that her dog was barking every time she and Sawyer touched each other was frustrating and annoying.

If she decided she wanted to bring Sawyer upstairs, she didn’t know what the dog would do. It would kill the mood if they had to listen to barking and whining the whole time.

Maybe they needed to go to Sawyer’s house for that. That might be the only thing she could think of right now. That and bringing something of Sawyer’s back to her house so Fred could get used to the scent more.
