Page 45 of Fierce: Sawyer

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“They do,” she said. “And, no, Aunt Jolene had nothing to do with this.”

“Oh sweetie, don’t lie to yourself. You are falling right into their trap.”

She ground her teeth. “I’m not. I’m not. And I want you to know this so I’ve got a witness to the timing of things.”

“You sound like Liam and Margo. Though they did know each other prior and yet your aunt still took the credit for that.”

“Unless she can say she hired a mugger, then she can’t take credit for this.”

“A mugger?! What am I missing? I know Sawyer is a police officer, right?”

“A detective,” she said. She told her mother what had happened. The truth of how she fell.

“You told us you tripped over your own two feet,” her mother said sternly.

“I did. The guy bumped into me and I tripped and landed on my hands and knees. Fred took off after the guy. Just like a good police dog.”

“Hardly a police dog,” her mother said. “It sounds to me as if this is one of those fate things. You said you went back a few times to see if you could find him?”

“I did. I never saw him again. Or not never, just didn’t. And then he admitted he’d been looking for me. Fred is the one who noticed him running the next time.”

“That dog of yours,” her mother said.

“Whatever works. And well, you know how Aunt Jolene is. Sawyer had no idea who I was. I didn’t know who he was. I’ve never heard his name before. Why would I? He’s older than me and was almost done with high school when he moved here. I didn’t spend that much time at Aunt Jolene’s at that point with Ella away at college.”

“You make a good point. So you know what happened with his parents, right? Or didn’t he tell you?”

“He told me. He didn’t realize who I was until we were at dinner and talking about my meddling aunt and how his grandparents and father are the same way. It just seemed funny and then we realized it all. But to make matters worse, Uncle Gavin mentioned Sawyer’s name the other day.”

“So you said,” her mother said. “And now you two have figured it out. What’s the next step?”

“I don’t know,” she said. “We aren’t letting Aunt Jolene know just yet. No way. I kind of want to see how they think we are going to get together but then realized it could take time and I don’t want to keep secrets that long.”

“Good point,” her mother said. “And you know how your aunt is.”

“I do. I’ve been giving her grief for years. I don’t plan on stopping it either. But it’s only been a few dates so no reason to bring it up anyway. At least right yet.”

“No,” her mother said. “I’ll have your back for now. But keep me posted.”

* * *

“Why doyou have Faith’s back?”

Lynn O’Malley turned to see her husband standing there looking at her. She should have realized by now that he had some of his sister’s sneaky blood in him.

“What?” she asked.

“Don’t play with me,” Connor said to her. “What’s going on with Faith? It’s got to do with my sister. It always does.”

She sighed. She wasn’t one for lying. “Can you keep a secret?”

“I can try,” he said.

“Then I’m not sure I want to tell you,” she said.

He started to laugh. “If it has to do with my daughter I want to know.”

“Let’s play a game. You can ask me a question and I’m not going to answer. This way, no one is lying. You know me well enough to know the answer without words.”
