Page 63 of Fierce: Sawyer

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“What’s going on?” She didn’t like the sadness she heard in his voice. “Is your grandfather really ill?”

“I think he is,” he said. “I’ll find out more on Monday. He’s acting like a jerk to my grandmother and that isn’t like him.”

“Yikes. What does your grandmother do?”

“She gives it back to him. I know it’s out of love, but it’s not a fun situation to be around.”

“Is it bringing back memories you’d rather not have?”

“Yes,” he said. “My parents fought all the time. But my father always gave in and my mother knew it. I think that is the only reason they stayed together as long as they had. My mother never thought my father would go after the guy she was with that one time.”

“Knowing about something and having it shoved in your face are two different things,” she said.

“I realized that looking back. My father heard the rumors but tried to tell himself they weren’t true. Walking in on it, that was different. It's neither here nor there. My grandfather and I talked. He’s scared and I know it. He’s confused too. They don’t understand what they are being told and I think he’s a little hurt my mother can’t make the time to go with them.”

Faith couldn’t imagine not being there for her parents. Even if she was fighting with them for some reason she’d always be there for them.

“You’re there,” she said.

“I am. But I can’t just sit around doing nothing either,” he said. “My grandmother had a list of things she needed to be done around the house. I put a new vanity in their half bath. I’ll paint it tomorrow and do a few more things. Monday his appointment is at nine, then once we are back I’ll hit the road.”

“Let me know how you make out,” she said.

“I will,” he said. “I’ll talk to you that night. How’s Fred doing?”

“He’s good. He’s next to me on the couch. Do you want to talk to him?”

“I’ll pass,” he said. “He might start to bark and annoy you. Or you’ll get jealous that he wants me there.”

She laughed. “Very cute.”

“What else is going on? Anything?”

She debated telling him everything she’d learned. She’d told him what happened on Wednesday when she’d picked up their food from Fierce. He’d thought it was funny but was curious too.

“I had dinner with my parents tonight. Since I hadn’t heard anything from my mother I wanted to know what happened when they saw my aunt the other night.”

“Did you get anything out of them?”

“I got a lot out of them,” she said. She told him everything she knew and found out.

“So they are trying to play a game with you?” he asked.

“My aunt and uncle always want to play games with people. I’m not falling for it.”

“I told you I think my father and grandparents are in on it. When I’m back in town on Monday I’ve got to stop and see them. I need to put the rest of her decorations away for her. I forgot, to be honest, until I started to do things here.”

“Are you going to play with them some?” she asked.

“I’m thinking about it. I’m not used to doing that.”

“I can give you some pointers before then if you want,” she said.

“I might take you up on it.”

They talked for a few more minutes and hung up. She stretched and realized she was tired and got ready for bed.

“One more trip outside, Fred.”
