Page 62 of Fierce: Sawyer

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“Really?” she asked.

“Of course,” her father said. “We are always on your side.”

She wasn’t so sure about that but had no choice but to believe them. “Yes, I’m dating Sawyer.”

“What does Fred think of him?” her father asked.

“Fred loves him. I’m starting to think Fred likes him more than me,” she said.

Saturday when Sawyer spent the night for the first time, Fred was on the bed waiting for her while the two of them got ready. It was tricky on her end trying to figure this out with her dog.

Normally Fred didn’t care all that much if she had someone spend the night.

If her dog didn’t like a guy she was seeing, Fred was a pain in the ass to the point where she had to shut him out of the room and he’d quiet down.

Then she’d feel guilty she kicked him out.

But with Sawyer, Fred was already on the bed waiting for them.

She’d pushed him off and brought his bed up and put it on the floor next to her.

Fred jumped up on the bed three times while Sawyer and she were in it together until he finally got the message there wasn’t room.

She kept pointing to his bed, and when they finally realized her dog was going to settle down, she turned the light off.

Until ten minutes went by and she heard a noise and couldn’t figure out what was going on. She turned the light on and Fred was nowhere to be found. Not his bed either.

She’d asked Sawyer where Fred was and he was laughing. Fred had dragged his bed to Sawyer’s side and was lying by him.

She gave up at that point. She should be happy, but there was a tiny part of her that was jealous too.

Which made no sense either.

“Those are good things,” her mother said. “Does he work a lot?”

“He does,” she said. “But it’s fine. I do too. I had to work this morning for a few hours. And he went to visit his other grandparents for the weekend.”

“That’s nice of him,” her father said.

She told her parents what was going on. “It’s sad, isn’t it? Sawyer’s mother should be involved, but it sounds like that isn’t happening.”

“Not everyone is close to their family,” her mother said.

“I know. I get it. Sometimes family is annoying too.”

Her father laughed at her. “I know my family is,” he said.

She helped her father set the table while her mother got the dinner ready. There was a roasted chicken that was being carved and mashed potatoes with green beans. A nice homey meal. She’d bet Sawyer would like something like this. She’d make it the next time they were together for the weekend.

She ate dinner with her parents and left after. She got what she needed out of this. Her parents confirmed exactly what she thought was going on. Her aunt and uncle thought they were going to play her.

But since she was onto them she didn’t feel as if her parents were telling on her aunt.

When she was watching TV later on, her phone rang and she saw it was Sawyer.

“Hello,” she said. “How is the visit going?”

“I’ve had better ones,” he said.
