Page 52 of Find Me Tracker

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“Then whoever is running these experiments is not limiting them only to wolves,” Ryder finishes. He turns to Cole. “Do you think your father could still pass on the change?”

“They didn't change Raina’s spell, only mutated it.” I shiver, voicing my fears out loud. “Daddy never wanted to change a human ever, but knew he could. If he changed a human as that monster then…then maybe she’ll be a monster too?”

Cole’s jaw tightens. “Unless our father wasn’t the only one…”

“The sheriff’s at Bob’s with the child now. He wants me to meet him there.” Chase looks at me, his hands twitching to reach for me but not wanting to cause friction.

“Cole and I have a lot to discuss. Chase, you can go.” Ryder waves his hand in his direction, eyes dark as he thinks of all the implications this new attack will bring. I watch my brother as his jaw works, he too is deep in thought.

“I’ll come with you, Chase,” I say, walking over to him and slipping my shoulder under his arm.

Cole looks at me, opens his mouth as if to say something, but shakes his head and walks to the window. Mother joins him, leaning against his legs.

Chase and I leave without another word. Chase nods to Ryder and turns me around, leading me through the foyer full of wolves and out of the house. His motorcycle sits in front of the house, a big beast of a Harley.

With two helmets sitting on the seat.

A burly man sits on another bike, with a small woman with shockingly curly red hair riding behind him. “Thanks for bringing my baby back all fixed up, Gavin,” Chase says, nodding at the bald man, and he grins back.

“Thank Diesel, she’s the one who did all the work,” Gavin hollers back as his bike roars to life. The woman, Diesel, turns and sticks her tongue out at Ryder and gives him a peace sign as the bike thunders out of the driveway.

“Diesel? That's her name?” I ask, in awe that such a small woman could fix a bike at all.

“Her real name is Lily, but she decided that was too girly. She calls herself Diesel because after hours fixing trucks and bikes that’s all she smells like.”

It occurs to me that we’re walking straight towards Chase’s bike, and I freeze in place. “No way, absolutely no way!” I try to pull my hand away and Chase looks back at me with eyes full of mischief.

“Come on, babe, the snow has melted off the roads. Did you really think you’d never ride this while you’re mated to a man in Dark Moon?”

“You have your bike, I have my car. Why would I ever need to ride that…thing… when I have my own car?”

“We’ve all seen what you can do behind the wheel, Ruby. I’m not taking that risk on the road ever again!”

“Oh come on, Chase! That’s not fair!”

“Chase, you dumbass, if you think for one moment I’m going to stand here and watch you take a pregnant woman on a motorcycle you've got another thing coming!” Rachel shouts from the porch as she lunges down the stairs two steps at a time. She runs up to me and puts her hand on my stomach as she stares daggers at Chase. “You take your precious bike, I have to get back to the kid anyway so I’ll give Ruby a ride in the truck. Don’t you dare look at me like that! Get riding!”

I stare up at Rachel with awe, she’s like an eclipse. Where my mother is a Luna, Rachel is her opposite. Bold and powerful, as unstoppable as a lunar eclipse. She kicks Chase’s tires as he tries to protest and he glowers, giving me a quick kiss before mounting his bike and peeling out.

Rachel squeezes my arm and walks towards her truck, but I watch her gray eyes as she looks over her shoulder at the house. Her son isn’t the only reason she wants to leave. Cole is watching her from the window, both intently trying to not seem like they’re staring at each other. As we get in her truck I bite my bottom lip so I don’t ask any questions she might not be comfortable asking.

“Is he still watching…?” Rachel whispers, as if he can hear us, as we pull out of the driveway. I look over my shoulder and see my brother, one hand on the window frame, squinting hard at the truck.

“Yes…” I say, biting my tongue.

“I hate the way he watches me. Makes me all squirmy.”

“Squirmy?” I choke back a laugh, seeing someone as strong as Rachel use such a silly word is so weird.

“Don’t you laugh! We’re going somewhere serious ya know and you know how your brother is! All brooding and intense. Same as before…”

“You met him before?” I ask, unable to disguise my surprise.

Rachel rolls her eyes and tightens her grip on the steering wheel. “That was a long time ago.”

All my questions are muted as we pull up in front of Bob’s. The bar has been repainted, looking new in ways I’ve never seen before. Dark Moon wolves covered in paint stains sit on the tattered steps and wipe sweat from the heads. Chase walks through the batwing doors to meet us, the sheriff close on his heels.

I can't think of the negative, not anymore, all I see is my man.My mate.
