Page 7 of Find Me Tracker

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He glares at me as he jumps back into the alcove.“If I die, I die. Has to happen sometime.”

I don’t respond, suddenly unsure of what I’m fighting for. For him to touch me? Or not to touch me?

Chase sighs.“Listen Ruby, temps are dropping fast. Come here.”

“I would rather die!”I bark back, turning my back to him and sitting.

I’m definitely fighting for himnotto touch me.

Except there’s no light shining through the snow at the mouth of the cave anymore. The granite walls we’re surrounded by offer protection, but not warmth. We’re well and truly buried, and he isn’t lying, it’s freezing. Even the small fire does little to warm the space.

I’ve just decided to join Chase when he snaps onto my tail again and pulls, yanking me backwards. I claw at the ground and pull, but I’m no match for his sheer strength. Before I know it, I’m in the alcove and he’s standing over me, front paws on either side and growling. He looks so menacing, so utterly terrifying, that I roll on my back automatically and submit to him.

It seems to satisfy Chase and his wrinkled muzzle smoothes. He lays down on me, pinning me to the pad of tattered blankets.“Sleep, Ruby. It’s the only way we’re going to survive this. Sleep until we’re rescued. Hopefully, by Dark Moon. If your brother sees us like this…”

If a wolf could laugh, that would be what he’s doing. He doesn’t have to finish the sentence, we both know what Cole would do if he found us like this.

Chase releases me, shifting his weight to the side, and I roll away from him. The weight of his head settles over my neck as he snuggles close and his warmth seeps into my body almost immediately.

Warm, and feeling strangely safe, I fall asleep.



Idream about Ruby. I'm chasing her through the snow, snapping at her legs. There's something different about this hunt, I’m excited to catch my prey for more than the kill…. She looks over her shoulder at me, her tongue lolling out as she smiles. She isn’t trying hard enough to get away, she’s almost playing with me. Whenever I get close she darts out of the way and bows on her front paws with her tail in the air. She’s teasing me…

All at once she skids to a stop and I crash into her. We roll in the snow, finally stopping near a frozen lake. She’s done it on purpose, she wanted to be caught. I’m on top of her and she licks my muzzle and rubs her face against me. A growl that’s far too close to a purr rumbles through my chest.

With a slow lick to the edge of my lips, she rolls over and presents herself to me, and the very air changes. Light and playful is gone. Hot and needy is here. She wants me, needs me, needs me to mate her. It’s carnal, primal, and I want it as bad as she does. I mount her, feeling myself brush against her entrance. She’s watching me, panting, desperate.

One swift move and I’ll be inside her.

I wake up, groaning, uncomfortable…and disappointed. The dream felt so real, Ruby’s body was so real. I could feel how hot and ready she was. I try to roll on my back but find my arm pinned. I freeze, turning my head slowly and taking in the human body nestled against mine.

Ruby…using my arm as a pillow.

Her pale blonde hair spreads over my arm and chest, covering her face. I reach up, hand shaking, and brush her hair away from her eyes. My heart stops, I can't breathe. She’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.

Her face looks like it was carved from the purest marble, perfection in human form. Her lashes are dark and thick, her nose straight, and her lips look like a perfect pink heart. I realize my other arm is around her, my hand resting on her stomach. Everything in me screams with excitement, but I know she didn’t choose this, didn't choose to lay with me as a woman. Just as I fell asleep as a wolf, so did she.

I try to shift away but I can't, her skin’s too soft, too inviting, and I find myself stroking her skin. My mind roars, I need to stop this, I cannot be doing this; but my body has other ideas. This isn’t right, not what she would want, but my carnal need from the dream has followed me into the present and all I can think about is touching her…everywhere…

My cock is so hard, pressed against her ass like it’s meant to fit there. I stifle a groan, realizing that the dream and the way she felt was so real to me because I was actually feeling it. She shifts, rubbing herself against me and lifting her arm over her head, revealing her breasts. My hand moves on its own, wanting to cup her supple round flesh. I imagine how it would feel to roll my thumb over her nipple and kiss her neck. Her breasts are large and milky white, her nipples the same shade as her heart-shaped lips.

My hand hovers over her, shaking with the need to touch her silken skin, as she presses her ass back against me. My cock slips between her legs as if by magnetism. I gasp and bite my lip, struggling not to make a sound as my member begins to pulsate against her warm core. She’s wet, as needy as I am, and I shudder. She’s not mine, I have no right to even be looking at her.

She asked if I didn’t think she was good enough, and that’s far from the case. She’s too good, too far above my station. I’m closer to a flea on her back than I can ever be her mate. She moves again, moans again, and I grip her hip to force her to stay still. If she keeps wiggling like this, I’ll find a way inside her despite my best intentions. I clench my eyes shut, trying to think of something, anything else.

When I open them, I’m looking directly into her clear blue eyes.

“Chase…” she whispers, arching her back against me.

Those eyes, blue as the sky, are heavy with passion. The arm she has curled over her head moves, tucking between our bodies as she tries to scoot closer to my face. Need is coming off her in waves, and my body is responding no matter what I think is right or wrong.

Her eyes search mine, making a triangle as she looks from each eye and then to my mouth. She licks her own perfect lips and leans in slowly, mouth parting, and tries to kiss me. I jerk back, shocked and surprised, did she really just try to kiss me?Me?

Her face collapses, her desire mutating into humiliation.
