Page 6 of Find Me Tracker

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“I was there that day too. I remember you, it took me a minute but I know who you are now. I was with Ryder, trying not to watch what was happening across the room when you came in.” His lips twist. “It was nice to see how a good dad acted.”

I whine, almost whimper, as I remember my dad and miss him terribly. He disappeared last year without a trace, and even our Tracker couldn’t make heads or tails of it.

“Ryder runs the pack now, like I said. Everything is different, the whole pack mentality has changed. You don’t have to believe me, but we’re not all wild ruthless animals,” he finishes and looks away.

“And we’re not all spoiled little princesses,”I bark, making sure my voice carries the hurt from being treated like a spoiled brat who can't do anything for herself.

He tries to hide his smirk by wiping his face, but his voice gives him away.

“Whatever you say, Ruby, precious daughter of the Alpha.” His dark eyes shine with mischief as I stand and growl at him, my hackles rising. “Sit, Princess. You don’t know what you’re getting yourself into standing up to me,” he warns.

I bristle with anger, my fur standing on end.

“I already beat you once, pup. Call me Princess one more time and I’ll do it again,”I snap, snarling as I round the fire.

“You beat me while I was concussed with broken ribs. I’ve had all night to heal.” His dark gaze roams over me. “Have you ever been hurt? Ha, I bet you don’t have a single scar on your perfect princess skin.”

His mocking laughter makes my blood boil, and when I lunge at him I go for his throat, completely blinded by anger. He knocks me aside like I’m nothing but a flea, and I crash into the wall hard.

“You see, Princess, us wolves heal very fast, maybe too fast…seeing as my arm has healed wrong.” He winces and flexes his arm.

Even I can see it's not quite right, but when he stands up and crouches in front of me, I can tell he’s fully repaired. The only thing making him even slightly weak is a badly set arm.

He stands, the firelight flickering over his sleek skin. “So, now that you know, do you want to try again? I won’t shift, I’ll give you the upper hand. Give me your best shot,Princess…”

He’s a fucking bastard! I snap at his ankles and he falls on his ass. His chest is open, undefended, as he lies on his back in shock. Jumping, I land on him, ready to press my paw into his throat. He can’t insult me if he can't speak! When I look down at him, though, he’s grinning from ear to ear and I realize I took the bait too late. He twists under me, his body unbelievably powerful, and rolls me over, pinning me to the ground on my side. I struggle, but he grabs my front and back legs and stands, holding me in the air and chuckling.

“Now that we’ve settled that, are you gonna be a good girl and behave?” His grin is infuriating, but in this position—in the air—there’s nothing I can do. “That’s a good little Princess,” he croons.

Maybe I can do something after all. I look at the blanket I tied around his waist, and before he can realize what’s happening, I snap at his cock. He screams and drops me, the blanket still trapped in my jaws. As he twists, he shifts back into his wolf and flips, using his inertia to leap off the wall and jump on me.

Yelping and scrambling away I thrash and kick, but he’s so much bigger. He’s in his prime, and I’m out of my element. I realize with growing dread that he’s on top of me, mounting me, and when his teeth sink into my scruff, my body responds automatically. My tail flips out of the way and I drop on my front paws, accepting my defeat and posing for mating on instinct alone. Horror rips through my body as his body automatically lines up with mine, dominating me completely.

“Are you done now, Ruby?”he snarls in my ear, his fangs flashing and huge body crushing mine.

“Y-yes…”I gasp, whimpering in surrender.

Even more frustrating than being dominated by my enemy is the fact that I’m disappointed when he hops off of me. As if he’s completely disinterested in taking the power he has and making me his mate. Am I not good enough? I’m daughter of Silver Dawn Alpha! Does he really think he can get better than this? More pure, more prime?

“More self-absorbed?”He fakes a cough and I stick my nose in the air and walk away from him, making sure my tail rubs under his neck and right in his nose.

“You’re right, you look like a grease stain on Bob’s floor…smell like one too! I can do so much better than a mutt like you.”

He bites my tail and pulls me back, making me yelp like a startled puppy. He’s back on me again, and shamefully my instincts kick back instantly and I’m ready for him.

“You think you smell like peaches and cream? Princess, you smell like burnt rubber and gasoline!”He bites my ear, leaning forward and rubbing on me. I whine automatically when he doesn’t complete the action.“Maybe I’m too good for you, Ruby,”he growls, getting off me and jumping in the alcove, where he lays his head on his paws and watches me.

If I could blush, or cry in my wolf form I would. I hang my head, embarrassed, but still full of fire.

“If I smell like that car accident, it’s your fault! You… You… What is your name, anyway?”I bare my teeth at him.“It’s not like I can help it either. You dominated me, it's an automatic response. Or have you never seen two wolves mate?”

“Baby, you’ve seen me, you should know I’ve done way more than see wolves mating. I’ve taken so many bitches your head would spin. In this form and otherwise. If you want me that bad…”He steps off the ledge, walking towards me slowly and rubbing his fur against mine. He sniffs my tail, making me jump.“I can make an exception… You’re of age?”

“Y-yes”I mumble, body shaking as he twists around me, rubbing me all over. I’m acting like a bitch in heat. I shouldn’t even be talking to him much less wishing he’d mate me.

“Perfect… So, how shall we do this? I take you, ravish you, and when you’re pregnant with my pups…your brother kills me?”He bites at my paws and I jump away.“I may be a virile creature, Ruby, but I’m not stupid. The name is Chase, by the way.”

“Chase,”I snarl.“You’re a miserable tease, but you’re right, my brother would kill you. He probably still will. Is that how you wanna die, mutt? Getting put down by an Alpha?”
